school food punishment - Percentage - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction school food punishment - Percentage

時が限られているのなら 本当のとこはかなり
If time is limited, then truly, to a great extent
抱きしめたいや 全て告げてしまいたいわ
I want to hold you; I want to tell you everything.
秘めていれば循環する 無限ループ
If I keep it a secret, it will circulate; an infinite loop.
ふらつくほどの夢見たって 所詮 自分の中だけで終わる幻想
Even if I dream enough to sway, after all, it will only end as an illusion within my own heart.
(I won't die from loneliness.)
引き換えの永遠に 心躍れど
Even though my heart races for eternity in exchange,
堂々巡りだ 君想えば 怖い したい 壊したい 怖いし 痛い
When I think of you, it's a vicious cycle: I fear it, I want it, I want to break it, I'm scared, it hurts.
(That's reality.)
君が見ている未来の中に 目を凝らせば
If I concentrate on the future you see,
壊したいくらいに 思い知るだけさ
The extent to which I want to destroy it, I only come to understand.
I can't monopolize you.
時は限られているから 本当のとこはかなり
Because time is limited, then truly, to a great extent,
抱きしめたいや 触れ尽くしたいや
I want to hold you; I want to touch all of you.
枠の外から見ているだけじゃ 本当のとこはかなり
Just watching from outside the frame, then truly, to a great extent,
我慢できないや 嫌で嫌でしょうがないわ
I can't stand it; I hate it; I can't stand it.
一線 越えずに見守る?
Will you watch over me without crossing the line?
(塞げば 痛みはやわらぐ)
(If I block it, the pain will be soothed.)
キーワード言って 終わりにする?
Will you say the keyword and end it?
(I can't go back.)
時が概念ごと消えるなら 見つめ続けてたいや
If time could disappear with the concept, I want to keep looking at you.
それだけでいいや 贅沢しないわ
That's all I want; I won't be extravagant.
There's nothing as scary as seeing the moon clouded over.
欠けてもいいや また満ちるから
Even if it wanes, it will wax again.
吐き出していいのなら 本当のとこはかなり
If I could pour my heart out, then truly, to a great extent,
抱きしめたいや 触れ尽くしたいや
I want to hold you; I want to touch all of you.
君の中 僕の占める割合 多分減っていくだろう
Within you, the percentage I occupy will probably decrease.
いつか消えても 君が笑えればそれでいいわ
Even if I disappear someday, it's okay as long as you can laugh.

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