sodagreen feat. 夏宇 - 各站停靠:(蘇打綠版) (feat. 夏宇) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction sodagreen feat. 夏宇 - 各站停靠:(蘇打綠版) (feat. 夏宇)

各站停靠:(蘇打綠版) (feat. 夏宇)
Every Stop: (Sodagreen Version) (feat. Xia Yu)
昔者莊周夢為胡蝶 栩栩然胡蝶也
Once Zhuangzi dreamt he was a butterfly, a fluttering butterfly.
自喻適志與 不知周也
Self-satisfied, he didn't know he was Zhuangzi.
俄然覺 則蘧蘧然周也
Suddenly he awoke, and there he was, truly Zhuangzi.
不知周之夢為胡蝶與 胡蝶之夢為周與
He didn't know if Zhuangzi had dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly had dreamt he was Zhuangzi.
春立下分際的標竿時 我作了一個夢
When spring set its boundaries, I had a dream.
我夢見我竟然變成了人 走到草原上
I dreamt I became human, walking in a meadow,
Watching myself fly here and there.
雨水沾濕了翅膀 卻讓花香更清明
Rain moistened my wings, but made the flower's fragrance clearer.
穀雨雖然寒冷 卻讓鮮豔的顏色更磅礡
Though Grain Rain is cold, it makes the vibrant colors more magnificent.
When I was a butterfly,
I didn't know I was so happy.
我遇過這叢花嗎 或是這花的誕生是因為我
Have I met this flower before, or was this flower born because of me?
我能再遇到他嗎 還是我從未盛開過
Can I meet it again, or have I never bloomed?
不過 我知道那花從此印記成我的紋路
But I know that flower has become imprinted on my wings.
"Chaque papillon était le fantôme d'une fleur passée"
"Chaque papillon était le fantôme d'une fleur passée"
那個隱居的女人 她的朋友說 (revenant à la recherche d'elle-même)
That reclusive woman, her friend said (returning in search of herself)
當我夢為人的時候 (est-ce que j'ai vraiment rencontré cette fleur?)
When I dreamt I was human, (did I really meet that flower?)
我才發覺這被忽略的快樂 (était-elle née pour moi?)
I realized this overlooked happiness. (was it born for me?)
(Est-ce que je vais la revoir?)
(Will I see it again?)
尋找前世的蝴蝶 在夢的觸鬚中成了人
Searching for the butterfly of a past life, becoming human within the dream's antennae.
身體形式是生命的各站停靠 (n'ai-je jamais éclos?)
Physical forms are the stops of life. (have I never bloomed?)
懂得太多的人被心眼絆倒 在計較間迷走打轉
Those who know too much are tripped by their own minds, wandering lost in calculations.
而那不怕貘 不懂生死的翅膀
And those wings, unafraid of tapirs, unaware of life and death,
Are dancing among the most beautiful scenery.
我期待夢醒的時候 (elle a dit "mmh")
I look forward to waking up (she said "mmh")
要做一隻 (elle a dit "han")
To become a (she said "han")
順應快樂的蝴蝶 (elle a dit "mmh", elle a dit "han")
Butterfly that follows happiness (she said "mmh", she said "han")
Elle a dit "zz"
She said "zz"
Ensuite, elle a dit "pok"
Then, she said "pok"
Every butterfly is the ghost of a past flower,
Returning to find itself.
À la fin, elle a dit "chh"
Finally, she said "chh"

Writer(s): 吳青峰

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