Babe, I'm so sorry, please hear me out! I went to two bars and then a club, that's all I remember, it's a little hazy
後輩達ここぞとばかりに猛烈に飲ませてきて あとは ん〜...何も無い 大丈夫 慌てんな! 男だろ?
My friends got me totally trashed, and after that, well... I don't recall. Come on, don't panic! I'm a man, right?
でもTシャツになぜかグロス これはこういうデザインで通す
But there's lipstick on my shirt, I'll just say it's the style
ライターが何故かラブホ 「拾いました♡」 逃げ道は確保!☆ 明らかに証拠が多すぎる...
And I have a lighter from a motel, I'll say "I found it!" That's my alibi! But there's just too much evidence...
裁判なら有罪間違いない! 諦めたらそこで試合終了 安西先生 見ててくれよ!! 頭が夏だぜベイベー
In court, I'd be guilty without a doubt! Giving up now would be quitting the game, Coach Anzai, please watch over me! My brain is on summer vacation, baby
No, no, I'm a complete idiot. I've had enough, I can't forgive you anymore. You're always dodging the issue, men are the worst. Your apologies mean nothing! Hey! Snore...
Are you going to try to bribe me with gifts again? Yes! Is that the only trick you know? You're such an idiot. Yes! Fine, let's go to Hawaii! I don't have any money, though
愛する君とワイキキビーチ ん〜話が飛んだ 愛してます殴ってくださぁい...
With my beloved on Waikiki Beach. Um, that was random. I love you, please hit me...
頭が夏だぜベイベー そんな事じゃ 許されないのは わかってるがん〜...
My brain is on summer vacation, baby. I know I can't be forgiven for this, but um...
頭が馬鹿なの?ダーリン そんなでもない ん〜...
Am I just an idiot, darling? I don't think so. Um...
いややっぱ 超がつくくらい?
No, no, I'm a complete idiot.
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