traian - heroin boy - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction traian - heroin boy

heroin boy
Heroin Boy
Tu și heroina imi alungati durerea
You and heroin chase away my pain
Și în caz nu ești aici, am mereu câteva seringi
And in case you're not here, I always have a few syringes
De ce abandonezi, aere, cine te crezi
Why are you abandoning me, airs, who do you think you are
Nu... nu știi bine, substanța nu minte
No... you don't know me well, the substance doesn't lie
Ai făcut promisiuni doar ca le încalci mai târziu
You made promises just to break them later
Tu m-ai dus de nas, te voi duce în sicriu
You led me on, I'll lead you to your coffin
Iar eu sunt sweet, si nu ai idee ce-am în plan
And I'm sweet, and you have no idea what I'm planning
Ma superi, superi o legiune, nu vreun clan
You anger me, you anger a legion, not just a clan
Îți bați joc, nu-ți pasă de mine și de ce fac
You're mocking me, you don't care about me and what I do
Eram atât de fericit, eram atât de calm
I was so happy, I was so calm
minți și folosești, la ce ai tu chef
You lie to me and use me, for whatever you want
Acum sunt impredictibil, impulsiv și violent
Now I'm unpredictable, impulsive and violent
Am fost mereu un monstru, dar hibernam
I've always been a monster, but I was hibernating
Acum e timpu' vedem cine e traian real
Now it's time to see who the real Traian is
Fugi, fugi de mine, poate așa ai timp scapi
Run, run from me, maybe that way you'll have time to escape
Dar sper pici în capcana mea, te voi împăia
But I hope you fall into my trap, I'll stuff you
Vreau o colecție de ochi cu care joc biliard
I want a collection of eyes to play billiards with
Serial killa', da' nu-s prins, nu vezi în ziar
Serial killer, yeah, but I'm not caught, you don't see me in the newspaper
N-ai vrut ne distrăm, voi distra eu cu tine
You didn't want to have fun, I'll have fun with you
Am vise mai grotești decât cele mai brutale crime
I have dreams more grotesque than the most brutal crimes
văd la persoana a treia, eu nu sunt în corpul meu
I see myself in the third person, I'm not in my body
Știu unde ești, oriunde ai fi, te spionez mereu
I know where you are, wherever you are, I'm always watching you

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