twenty4-7 - 心 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction twenty4-7 - 心

それから最後に二人でした事は お揃いのもの
Then, the last thing we did together was to get matching items,
並べて涙流して ペアリングを埋める事でした
Line them up and shed tears, and fill up the pair of rings.
無くした今より続いてく 明日を守る為に・・・
It was to protect the future that would go on, more than the present without you...
最後に残った一つの心 寂しさや孤独よりももっと
One heart was left in the end, more than loneliness and solitude,
支え続けてあげたかった事 そして「ありがとう」という心
I wanted to continue supporting, and also say "thank you".
あなたが残してくれた声援 ずっと続くはずだった永遠
The cheers you left me, the eternity that should have continued,
思い出になってしまった経験 抱えたまま一歩前へ・・・
The experience that became a memory, taking a step forward while holding onto it...
Is my warmth not enough?... The person you're looking for,
違う人かもしれないけど ただ抱き締めてあげたいと思った
Might be someone else, but I just wanted to hold you in my arms.
弱る姿に何度も苦しくなって走ったよ あなたの元へ・・・
Many times, I grew anxious at the sight of your weakening form, and ran towards you...
私にもまだ 心があるって事を知った それから今・・・
I learned then that I still have a heart, and now...
いつからからあなた私を求めて そして私はいつからかあなたを頼り
Since when did you begin to seek me out, and since when did I begin to rely on you?
消えそうになっても繋いだ 好きとか逢いたいだけじゃなく
Even when it seemed like it would disappear, I held onto you, not just because I liked you or wanted to meet you,
行動が教えてくれた恋心 二人で作った愛の「心」
My actions taught me about love, the "heart" of love that we created together.
そんな瞳をされると飛びそうになる理性 必死で抑えているぜ
When you look at me like that, I feel like I might fly away, I'm desperately trying to suppress it.
強い眼差しから覗かせる切ない表情 支えてあげてぇ・・・
From your strong gaze, I can see a hint of sadness, I want to support you...
純粋な気持ちがぶつかり合い 永遠も想い出に変わる事もあり
Our pure feelings collided, and sometimes eternity turns into a memory,
多すぎる気持ちは時に傷付け合い 逢いたい気持ち伝えれない・・・
Sometimes, we hurt each other with our excessive feelings, and I can't express how much I want to see you...
逢えない朝も昼も夜も走っていた あなたの元へ・・・
I ran towards you, morning, noon, and night, when we couldn't meet...
私にもまだ 心があるって事を知った「ありがとう」を今・・・
I learned then that I still have a heart, "thank you", now...
心があるからあなたを好きになり そして私は
It's because I have a heart that I fell in love with you, and it's because of you
That I learned about love and came to know how to love.
やがて愛される事を感じれた 今私の中に甦った新たな『心』
Eventually, I felt like I was being loved, a new 'heart' has revived within me.
あの日恋人になった約束 交わした同じ公園を覗く
The promise we made that day when we became lovers, I look at the same park where we made it.
変わらない同じベンチを追う 同じ口を開いた結局
I follow the same bench that hasn't changed, and end up opening my mouth to say the same thing.
消せるはずない情が交差する 愛情より情である気がする
The feelings that can't be erased intersect, I feel like it's more about sentiment than love.
共に歩む意味考えてみる でも無理だった・・・
I think about the meaning of walking together, but it's no good...
それから最後に二人でした事は お揃いのもの
Then, the last thing we did together was to get matching items,
並べて涙流して ペアリングを埋める事でした
Line them up and shed tears, and fill up the pair of rings.
無くした今より続いてく 明日を守る為に でも・・・
It was to protect a future that would go on, more than the present without you, but...
いつからかあなた私を求めて そして私はいつからかあなたを頼り
Since when did you begin to seek me out, and since when did I begin to rely on you?
消えそうになっても繋いだ 好きとか逢いたいだけじゃなく
Even when it seemed like it would disappear, I held onto you, not just because I liked you or wanted to meet you,
行動が教えてくれた恋心 二人で作った愛の『心』
My actions taught me about love, the "heart" of love that we created together.
心があるからあなたを好きになり そして私は
It's because I have a heart that I fell in love with you, and it's because of you
That I learned about love and came to know how to love.
やがて愛される事を感じれた 今私の中に甦った新たな『心』
Eventually, I felt like I was being loved, a new 'heart' has revived within me.

Writer(s): mika, tazz

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