Čuki - Poletna - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Čuki - Poletna

Lansk poletje blo je fajn,
Last summer was great
Pesek in na koži sol vsak dan,
Sand and salt on my skin all day long,
Vsi problemi daleč vstran
All problems far away,
In na puklnu le tvoja dlan
And only your palm on my lap
Na otoku tam nekje svet drugačne barve je
On that island somewhere, colors are different
Tam pozabš čist na vse.
And you forget everything there.
Dva tri tedne blo je tko
For two or three weeks, it was like that
Moč življenja čutil sm samo
The power of life was all I felt
Misli se obrnejo,
My thoughts have changed,
Prej pomembno, zdj je butasto
What was important before is now stupid
Ko pod oljko maš svoj dom
When you have your home under the olive tree
In igraš se s kamenčkom
And are playing with a pebble
In haliraš vsak atom
And dream of every atom
Enkrat pa bom tam ostal
One day I will stay there
Ko bom nekam vse poslou
When I am spent
In za zmeri odpotvau
And travel away forever
Top oblubm zaprmej
I will close my warm promises
Pa če leta čakam zdj tam bom
And even if I wait for years
živu prej al slej
I will live there sooner or later.
Vsem le nam je čas vladar
Time rules over all of us
Vse pomeni nam le moč in dnar
Power and money mean everything to us
Finance banke gospodar
Bank finances are lords
Kdo računa plača ni nam mar
We don't care who pays the bills
Enkrat vprašaš se zakaj sam si sebi poilicaj
One day you ask yourself why you are your own policeman
Pol želiš si tja nazaj.
Then you wish you were back there.
Ampak tok še deleč ni
But this is still far away
še sem suženj tej požrešnosti
I am still the slave of these greedinesses
Preden me infarkt dobi
Before I get a heart attack
In pr 40 položi
And die by 40
Na obalo počm se sklučm sive celice u topl
On the beach, I will lean back and warm the gray cells
Pesek dam noge.
I will put my legs in the sand.

Writer(s): g. steinbacher

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