Đorđe Balašević - Uspavanka za dečaka - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Đorđe Balašević - Uspavanka za dečaka

Uspavanka za dečaka
Lullaby for a Boy
Pričaće ti jednom možda
They’ll tell you someday, maybe
Kako sam ja bio štošta
How I was something special
Pile moje, pače moje malo
My little chick, my little duckling
Mudrovaće, badavani
They’ll be wise, they’ll be wrong
Kad me nema da se branim
When I’m gone, I won’t be able to defend myself
Da sam blizu, ne bi im se dalo
If I were here, they wouldn’t dare
Pričaće ti o plovidbi
They’ll tell you about the voyage
Ti što nisu sidro digli
Those who didn’t raise the anchor
Šta sam za njih neg' ukleta šajka?
What was I to them but a cursed ship?
Tvrdiće, sa čudnim sjajem
They’ll claim, with a strange gleam
Da sam drhtao pred zmajem
That I trembled before the dragon
Videli su oni, iz prikrajka
They saw it, from the sidelines
Al' ti slutiš otkud bore
But you sense where the wrinkles come from
Trunje se u oku diglo
The speck in the eye rose up
Olujno je tamo gore
It was stormy up there
Gde nas nije puno stiglo
Where not many of us arrived
Znam da sanjaš more sveća
I know you dream of a sea of candles
I korake po tom doku
And footsteps on that dock
Ti si tamo bio, u mom oku
You were there, in my eye
Pričaće ti kojekakvi
All sorts of people will tell you
Zloba se k'o rubin cakli
Spite sparkles like a ruby
Kako odjek mog osmeha ječi
How the echo of my laughter resounds
I kleće se u pretpostavke
And they kneel in assumptions
Kljuckajući, kao čavke
Pecking, like jackdaws
Moje loše prepričane reči
My misquoted words
Brojao sam ljude s krsta
I counted people from the cross
Pravila i izuzetke
Rules and exceptions
Posvud promašena vrsta
Missed type everywhere
Samo retki nađu retke
Only the rare find the rare
Znam da sanjaš vaskrsenje
I know you dream of resurrection
Jednu siluetu plahu
One timid silhouette
Ti si tamo bio, u mom dahu
You were there, in my breath
Pričaće ti jednom svašta
They’ll tell you all sorts of things someday
Boljima se teško prašta
It’s hard to forgive the good
Pile moje, pače moje malo
My little chick, my little duckling
I silni miševi u boci
And the mighty mice in the bottle
Javiće se k'o svedoci
Will appear as witnesses
Pustolovnog traganja za Gralom
Of the adventurous quest for the Grail
Ne znam više, bože prosti
I don’t know anymore, God forgive me
Dal' da strepim il' da stremim
Whether to fear or to hope
Da to breme posebnosti
To graft that burden of uniqueness
I na tebe nakalemim
Onto you as well
Ako nije kasno već
If it’s not too late
Jer znam da sanjaš rimovanja
Because I know you dream of rhymes
Krike, i tišinu nemu
Screams, and silent mute
Ti si bio svugde u mom svemu
You were everywhere in everything of mine
Pile moje pače moje malo
My little chick, my little duckling
Lavče moje
My little lion

Writer(s): Dorde Balasevic

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