Đorđe Balašević - Baronov Bal - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Đorđe Balašević - Baronov Bal

Baronov Bal
The Baron's Ball
Beše to noć
It was a night
Kad cveta mak sred pšenice
When poppies bloom amidst the wheat,
A rusalke upliću bulke,
And water spirits braid their buns,
Ko požude znak,
A sign of desire,
U pletenice;
In their tresses
Mlad mesec, zenica zmajeva
Young moon, the iris of the dragon's eye
Ta je godine bila
That year
Sva od samih aprila i majeva.
Was all of Aprils and Mays.
A bal, ko bal...
And a ball like no other...
Tad bi u raj i nezvani
Even the uninvited would go to paradise,
Al' sve debitante
But all debutantes,
Taj glamur, taj vilinski sjaj obeznani
That glamour, that enchanting glow
Pod sjajem začas se pomrači
Quickly overshadowed by the pale,
Prodaj zlato za bakar,
Sell your gold for copper,
Minut slave pa makar na lomači.
A moment of glory even on the pyre.
Dalje otprilike znaš...
You probably know the rest...
Ponekad za nas
Sometimes for us
Drugi donesu odluke teške.
Others make those fateful decisions.
Cela ta priča je falš...
This whole story is a lie...
Iskustvo je tek pseudonim
Experience is just a pseudonym
Za sve naše greške.
For all our mistakes.
Baronov bal
The Baron's Ball
Crn portal bez ručke
A black portal without a handle
I večita vatra na pragu
And an eternal flame on the threshold
I ako uđeš, zažalićeš,
And if you enter, you will regret it,
A ne uđeš li slomljen bićeš
But if you do not enter, you will be broken
Uz onaj zloslutni potmuli strah
With that ominous, insidious fear
Da l' dušu prodaješ vragu.
That you are selling your soul to the devil.
Još jedan bal...
Another ball...
Biće mi čast i ovaj ples
It will be an honor and this dance
Od svog tog blještavila
Of all that splendor
Pamti se jedino strast,
Remember only passion,
Nežnost i bes
Tenderness and rage
Zapleši sama pred masama
Dance alone before the masses
Drugi obraz okreni
Turn the other cheek
I još jednom zaseni
And once again shadow
Taj bal pod grimasama.
That ball under masks.
I to otprilike znaš...
And you probably know that...
Ponekad se razmeste zvezde
Sometimes the stars align
U Godini zmije
In the Year of the Snake
I nekog usreće baš
And someone is happy just
Da večno dokazuje
To eternally prove
Da l' on to jeste il' nije.
Whether he is or is not.
Baronov bal...
The Baron's Ball...
Na blistave prozore naleću leptiri glupi
Stupid butterflies fly into the shiny windows
I davno nije upitno to
And it hasn't been questionable for a long time
Da li bi dušu prodao ko
Whether someone would sell their soul
Odavno postoji jedino strah
There has long been only fear
Da l' bi vrag da je kupi.
Whether the devil would buy it.

Đorđe Balašević - Baronov Bal
Baronov Bal
date de sortie

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