Đorđe Balašević - Boze, Boze... - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Đorđe Balašević - Boze, Boze...

Boze, Boze...
Boze, Boze...
Boze, Boze
God, oh God
Di bas ja, od svih sretnih cigana
Why me, of all the fortunate gypsies
Da se rodim bas kad zadremas
To be born right when you fell asleep
Da me ne blagoslovis nikad ni ne
To never be blessed, nor even
Dok za nekim, makar kakvim
While for someone, anyone
Vasar raspremas
You cleaned up the fair
24 dinara duzan sam kod mlinara
I owe 24 dinars to the miller
Kod kovaca ne smem svracati
I can't go near the blacksmith
Juri me ducandzija
The grocer is after me
Svicka za mnom kamdzija
The butcher swings a stick at me
Jedva imam svirce placati
I can barely afford to pay the musicians
Za mnom cika, za mnom potraga
Behind me is the chase, the search
A preda mnom put za dovraga
But ahead of me is the path to paradise
Bar da mi je ficok rakije
If only I had a bottle of brandy
Tu bi moglo da se sakrije
I could hide it there
Jos kad onda svirci nagare
And when the drums start beating
Sve cu dati, sve cu propiti
I'll give everything, I'll drink everything
Samo necu moje malo magare
But I won't give up my little donkey
S belegom na levoj kopiti
With the white mark on his left hoof
Niko mene ne zna slusati
No one listens to me
Ko moj verni drugar usati
Like my faithful friend, the donkey
Zamnom ici i sanjariti
He follows me, dreaming
A ne kvariti
And doesn't get in the way
Boze, Boze
God, oh God
Di bas ja od svih spretnih cigana
Why me, of all the clever gypsies
Naspram zvezda da se zagubim
To get lost among the stars
Dok sam konje pojio vrag je drum
While I was watering the horses, the devil
Changed the path
On je hteo da se u nju belu zaljubim
He wanted me to fall in love with that fair one
Samo ako ista znam
Only if I knew the same
Onda znam da budem sam
Then I know I'd be alone
Tu sam isti na mog ujaka
I'm just like my uncle
Lula i kabanica, britva i brojanica
A pipe and a coat, a razor and a rosary
A prijatelja ko u kurjaka
And friends like a hen's teeth
Za mnom cika, za mnom potraga
Behind me is the chase, the search
A preda mnom put za dovraga
But ahead of me is the path to paradise
Bar da mi je ficok rakije
If only I had a bottle of brandy
Tu bi moglo da se sakrije
I could hide it there
Pa kad svirci nagare
When the drums beat
Zadnji gros cu propiti
I'll drink even my last penny
Ali ne dam magare
But I won't give up my donkey
S belegom na levoj kopiti
With the white mark on his left hoof
Di je da je neka je
Wherever she is, let her be
Samo nek daleka je
Just let her be far away
Da je duze trajalo
If it had lasted longer
Ne bi valjalo
It wouldn't have been right
Boze, Boze
God, oh God
Di bas ja od svih gresnih cigana
Why me, of all the sinful gypsies
Da padnem na sitnim gresima
To fall for such petty sins
Ne das mi je videti i to od ruke ide ti
You won't let me see her, and that's from your own hand
Mora da je besposleno na nebesima
It must be awfully quiet up in heaven
Sticu sutra do mraka
I'll toil from sunrise to sunset
Do komsijskog oblaka
To reach the neighboring cloud
Pod njim cu se opet roditi
Beneath it I'll be born again
Nisi ti na nebu sam
You're not alone in heaven
Bogova je povazdan
It's the gods' holiday
S nekim cu se vec nagoditi
I'll come to an agreement with someone
Kog sad ljubi sanjiva
Who does she dream of now
Kad se dan razdanjiva
As the day dawns?
Kom sad zamke postavlja
For whom does she set traps?
Kog li nocas ostavlja
Whom does she abandon tonight?

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