Đorđe Balašević - Ja Vas, kanda, znam? (Live) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Đorđe Balašević - Ja Vas, kanda, znam? (Live)

Ja Vas, kanda, znam? (Live)
Do I Know You From Somewhere? (Live)
Ja vas Kanda znam sa reke
I think I know you from the river
Pravili ste kerefeke, sram vas bilo
You were making quite a scene, shame on you
Skakali ste onaj sraub
Jumping off that diving board
K'o kad Bucov cini raub, taman tako
Like Bucov pulling off a heist, just like that
Sve je vrilo
Everything was buzzing
Nosili ste ciklam kostim na tufnice
You wore a cyclamen swimsuit with frills
A u kosi dzidza-midze i pufnice
And in your hair, ribbons and puffs
Gledale vas opirace
The lifeguards were eyeing you
Podgrejane krompirace
Like warmed-up potatoes
S balonima pod njedrima
With balloons under your chest
I s faltama na bedrima
And skirts riding up your thighs
Ko ste da ste najlepsa ste, ej
Whoever you are, you're the most beautiful, hey
Kad krenete mokra s tusa
When you come out of the shower, wet
Uspravna ko majorusa
Standing tall like a major's wife
Cigarom se muski guse
The men choke on their cigarettes
A zenske se redom roguse
And the women all giggle in a row
Znam vas Kanda iz plicaka
I think I know you from the shallows
Presli ste u ses' koraka onaj pesak vreli
You crossed that hot sand in six steps
Dokasko bi Dunav do vas
The Danube would have reached you
Iz ruke vam zob'o ovas, da ste 'teli
And eaten oats from your hand, if you'd wanted
Pesak vreo, voda 'ladna, srce lupka
Hot sand, cold water, heart pounding
Najgore je kad zapljusne ispod pupka
The worst is when it splashes below the belly button
Ja sam ipak, djak Iriski
But I'm a gentleman, after all
Postivam kad dama piski
I respect a lady's privacy
Cvikere sam crne metno
I put on my black glasses
Da ne bude indiskretno
So as not to be indiscreet
Ko ste da ste najlepsa ste, ej
Whoever you are, you're the most beautiful, hey
Lociran sam bio zgodno
I was positioned perfectly
Malo odstrag i uzvodno
Slightly behind and upstream
Taman da vam sacnem strukic
Just to catch a glimpse of your waist
Oblo rame, obli kukic
Your rounded shoulder, your rounded hip
Strcala je samo pundja
Only the top of your swimsuit peeked out
Sta se pod tom pundjom mundja
What's hidden beneath that top
Ja vas Kanda znam sa stranda
I think I know you from the beach
Il' od nekud pre, tak'e nema dve
Or from somewhere before, there's no doubt
Mi smo Kanda ista banda
We're like the same gang
Tiha voda sto odranja bregove
The still waters that erode the banks
Sad nas dvoje moram spojiti
Now I have to connect the two of us
Vas osvojiti, il' usvojiti
Win you over, or adopt you
Nemojte mi sta prkositi
Don't defy me
Da vas nebi mor'o prositi
So I wouldn't have to beg you
Znam vas Kanda i sa splava
I think I know you from the raft too
Slamen sesir lokna plava
Straw hat, blonde curls
Sta da kazem, izvanredno
What can I say, extraordinary
Neki vas je dzindzov pogan
Some giant jerk was bothering you
Pozurivo niz tobogan, djubre jedno
Rushing down the slide, that piece of trash
Imali ste formu sasvim vitke kruske
You had the shape of a slender pear
Fes u struku a duduske k'o pupuske
A sash at your waist and breasts like buns
Vasa mi koleginica rece
Your friend told me
Da ste knjeginjica
That you're a little princess
Sto sve ruglu izvrdava
Who avoids all ridicule
Svojeglava i prgava
Stubborn and feisty
Ko ste da ste najlepsa ste, ej
Whoever you are, you're the most beautiful, hey
Jako malo fali leti
In summer, it takes very little
Da se covek poremeti
For a man to lose his mind
Nit' se kerim, nit' vazniram
I'm not trying to hit on you, nor am I bragging
Ne bi da vas deranziram
I wouldn't want to bother you
Mor'o sam vam ovo kaz'ti
I had to tell you this
Ili kaz'ti, il' propasti
Either say it or perish
Sto se tice mog zivota
As for my life
Sama bruka i sramota, o, Bogo blagi
It's pure disgrace and shame, oh dear God
Prodacemo s krsta safir
We'll sell the sapphire from the cross
Da bude za sekin stafir, kobojagi
To get sis a new dress, supposedly
Nas vam salas dodje kao grofovija
Our farm is like a count's estate
Corda konja u galop se tu povija
A herd of horses gallops there
Hrastov krevet kao sajka
An oak bed like a boat
Jastuke mi vezla majka
My mother embroidered the pillows
U sifonjer sve slozeni
Everything is neatly stacked in the closet
Dok se deran ne ozeni
Until the son gets married
Ko ste da ste najlepsa ste, ej
Whoever you are, you're the most beautiful, hey
Gledam se u oku vasem
I see myself in your eyes
I k'o da vam pasent pasem
And it's like I'm your perfect match
Andrak me je neki spop'o
Some devil has possessed me
Uz vas bi se sebi dop'o
With you, I'd like myself
Sad je to vec doslo dotle
Now it's come to the point
Da pomisljam da vas otmem
That I'm thinking of kidnapping you

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