Đorđe Balašević - Miholjsko leto - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Đorđe Balašević - Miholjsko leto

Miholjsko leto
Michaelmas Summer
Do pola jedan je bila
It was half past twelve
Na casu klavira
During piano lessons
Onda korakom merila grad
Then she measured the city with her steps
I usput gledala izloge
And looked at the store windows in the meantime
Pardon, svoj odraz u njima
Excuse me, her reflection in them
U kosi jos, poput venca
Her hair still has, like a reef
Ona molska kadenca
That minor cadence
Mala vracka da upravo tad
Little witch, because right then
Uz caffe Kibic polagano
Near the Kibic cafe, slowly
Nadodje on, kao plima
He came closer, like a high tide
Tajne su tu zato
Secrets are there for a reason
Da ih neko nasluti
So that someone might surmise them
Postoji rec koja vredi
There's a word that's worthwhile
Tek kad se odcuti
Only after it's perceived
Bogu je kanuo caj
God has spilled tea
Svud je prsnuo sjaj
Everywhere there's a burst of brilliance
Jedan platan ce ostati zlatan
One sycamore tree will remain golden
Ona kroz smeh cvrsto
Through laughter, she tightly
Svoju kajdanku stisce
Clutches her locket
Ne drhti on, to je samo
It's not him that's trembling, it's only
To uvelo lisce
That withered leaf
Blazeno Miholjsko leto
Blissful Michaelmas summer
Jedno i sveto za njih
One and sacred for them
A on je nosio naglas
But he wore it with emphasis
Svojih skoro osamnaest
His almost eighteen
Sve cesce mu govore vi
More and more often, they call him gentleman
Beges u grudima udara
His heart beats in his chest
Bije u bronzane zice
Strikes the bronze strings
U dzepu sretni staklenac
In his pocket, a fortunate glass
Ko ono novcic i zdenac
Like that coin and a spring
Mala vracka da nestanu svi
Little witch, so that everyone disappears
A ona bane ko lupez
But she enters as a robber
I prospe mu kosu u lice
And lets her hair fall into his face
Kao osrednji klo'ar
Like a mediocre bum
Malo prosed i prostar
Slightly gray and old
Na uglu sam zastao sam
I stopped at the corner alone
Ne tako dobar oktobar
Not such a good October
I misli sve u ruskom 'timu
And all the thoughts in Russian 'team'
A, onda shvatih, na prepad
But then I realized, suddenly
Da te volim, ko nekad
That I love you, like I used to
Vreme samo raspiruje plam
Time only fans the flame
U meni miholjsko leto
Michaelmas summer inside me
To prkosno Sunce pred zimu
That defiant sun before winter

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