Đorđe Balašević - O, Bože - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Đorđe Balašević - O, Bože

O, Bože
O, God
Upalim radio
I turn on the radio
Da čujem gde su drugovi cenjeni
To hear about my esteemed friends
Koji su bednici na kojoj sednici
Who are these wretches at which session
Večeras smenjeni, ugasim radio
Replaced this evening, I switch off the radio
Prelistam novine
I leaf through the newspaper
Da vidim sta se od jutros obećava
To see what has been promised since morning
Članovi klanovi, Gebelsi, Ždanovi
Clan members, Goebbels, Zhdanovs
Magla i mećava
Fog and blizzard
O, Bože, ti valjda znaš sta radiš
O, God, you must know what you are doing
Ti imaš bolji pregled, majstore
You have a better view, master
Ali iz našeg tupog ugla izgleda gusto
But from our dull perspective it seems bleak
O, Bože, nije da kukam da nas vadiš
O, God, I am not begging you to save us
Al' zapelo je negde
But it is stuck somewhere
Treba nam tip sa iskustvom
We need someone with experience
Postoje opravdane sumnje da sam pravi genije
There is a reasonable suspicion that I am a true genius
Samo što više nemam pojma šta bih s tim
I just have no idea what I would do with it
O, zakaj nisam vanzemaljac iz SR Slovenije
O, why am I not an alien from the Socialist Republic of Slovenia?
Lepo mi dođe da se otcepim
It would be nice to secede
U TV-dnevniku
In the TV news
Istočni Nemci ruše zid, 'leba ti
East Germans are tearing down the wall, oh my
Ne minirati, več razmontirati
Do not mine, rather dismantle it
Nama če trebati
We will need it
Sve ću rasprodati
I will sell everything
Jedino neču gramofon, ostali zbogom
Just keeping the record player, the rest goodbye
Znam, mogu mediji biti i bedniji
I know, the media can be even worse
Ali ne mnogo
But not by much
O, Bože, ti valjda znaš sta radiš
O, God, you must know what you are doing
Ti imaš bolji pregled,legendo
You have a better view, legend
Ali iz našeg tupog ugla izgleda gusto
But from our dull perspective it seems bleak
O, Bože, nije da kukam da nas vadiš
O, God, I am not begging you to save us
Al' zapelo je negde
But it is stuck somewhere
Treba nam tip sa iskustvom
We need someone with experience

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