Đorđe Balašević - Saputnik - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Đorđe Balašević - Saputnik

Na granici sam bio posle ponoći
I arrived at the border just after midnight
Mrak je moja boja, tu nema pomoći
Darkness is my color, there's no help for it
Carinik, još dečak
The customs officer was just a boy
Klimnuo mi glavom, zvaničan i krut
He nodded slightly at me, officious and cold
I samo lupio pečat
And just stamped my passport
Sve u redu, laku noć i sretan put
Everything's in order, good night, and have a safe trip
Put se odmotava k'o dugi sivi šal
The road unwinds like a long gray scarf
Sutra će se stare koke picnuti za bal
Tomorrow the old hens will dress up for a ball
Takav dan se pamti
Such a day is unforgettable
Petnaest godina u vetar poslatih
Fifteen years I've let pass by like wind
Dolaze svi maturanti
All the graduates are coming
Al' će neki neke teško poznati
But some will have a hard time recognizing each other
Dosadne proslave
Tedious celebrations
Mi dođu kao kazna
We come as punishment
Ali svejedno idem
But I'll go anyway
Možda najzad saznam
Maybe I'll finally find out
Gde je moja pegava
Where my freckled girl is
Dugo me izbegava
She's been avoiding me for a long time
Nije mi se javila, nikad više
She hasn't answered my calls, ever since
Magija je prestala
The magic has stopped
Negde mi je nestala
She vanished somewhere
Kao leptiri pre kiše
Like butterflies before rain
Gde je moja Peggy Sue?
Where is my Peggy Sue?
Nije ovde, rekli su
She's not here, they said
Oni su odselili, nemoj zvati
They moved away, don't call
Ostao je samo lik
All that's left is an image
Mali verni saputnik
A small, faithful satellite
Mali svitac srebrni
A tiny silver scroll
Da me prati
To follow me
Promiču dani kao jablani uz drum
The days pass by like apple trees along the road
Jutro već miriše na vanilu i na rum
The morning already smells of vanilla and rum
Gde su, kako se drže
Where are they, how are they doing
Baš da vidim šta je s dobrim đacima
I'd like to see what became of the good students
Oni se potroše brže
They burn out faster
Mi smo nekad bili generacija
Once, we were a generation
Dosadne proslave
Tedious celebrations
Mi dođu kao kazna
We come as punishment
Ali svejedno idem
But I'll go anyway
Možda najzad saznam
Maybe I'll finally find out
Gde je moja pegava
Where my freckled girl is
Dugo me izbegava
She's been avoiding me for a long time
Nije mi se javila, nikad više
She hasn't answered my calls, ever since
Magija je prestala
The magic has stopped
Negde mi je nestala
She vanished somewhere
Kao leptiri pre kiše
Like butterflies before rain
Gde je moja Peggy Sue?
Where is my Peggy Sue?
Nije ovde, rekli su
She's not here, they said
Oni su odselili, nemoj zvati
They moved away, don't call
Ostao je samo lik
All that's left is an image
Mali verni saputnik
A small, faithful satellite
Mali svitac srebrni
A tiny silver scroll
Da me prati
To follow me

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