Đorđe Balašević - The Last March - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Đorđe Balašević - The Last March

The Last March
The Last March
Postoji jedno stručno mišljenje po kom sam uvek dosadan i isti,
There is an expert opinion that I am always boring and the same,
Pa sam probao već svašta: bluz i tango, rege, kantri, rok i diksi.
Well, I have tried everything: blues and tango, reggae, country, rock, and Dixieland.
U traganju za novim šlagerom,
In search of a new hit,
Sad kopam prstima po tamburi k′o bagerom.
I'm now digging the tambourine with my fingers like an excavator.
Ali panika, brate, tonem poput Titanika.
But baby, the panic is rising, I'm sinking like the Titanic.
Jer ostade mi marš, jedino još marš.
Because only one thing's left to me, the march, yes, just the march.
Za ovo ovde, za hepi raju što slavi bedu u punom sjaju.
For this place, for the happy fools who celebrate misery in all its glory.
Ostade mi marš, ništa osim marš.
Only the march remains, nothing but the march.
Pesmica jes' malo čudna, al′ vremena oskudna daj šta daš.
The song may be a bit strange, but times are tough take what you can get.
Javlja se određeni utisak da imam neke momente u stihu,
There is a certain impression that I have some moments in my verse,
Ali da moje žalostivne rime negativno utiču na psihu.
But that my mournful rhymes negatively affect the psyche.
Dobar sam, kažu, u baladama,
They say I'm good at ballads,
Njima bih dirnuo i onog pravog Sadama.
With them I could even touch the real Saddam.
Ali u ritmu sam, hm, još nedovoljno iskusan. Jel'?!
But in rhythm, hmm, I'm not experienced enough. Right?!
Pa da probam marš? Jednostavno marš.
So should I try the march? Just a simple march.
Za ovo ovde, za sretno stado koje u mraku mekeće rado.
For this place, for the happy herd that bleats with contentment in the darkness.
Ostade mi marš, jedino još marš.
Only the march remains, only the march.
Pesmica jes' malo jadna, al′ vremena prikladna daj šta daš.
The song may be a bit pitiful, but the times are ripe take what you can get.
Kažu da pesma nas je održala. I ja lično zastupam tu tezu.
They say that song has sustained us. And I personally believe that thesis.
Al′ sad na primer imam tremu, imam jezu kao slepac na trapezu.
But now, for example, I have the jitters, I'm terrified like a blind man on a trapeze.
Ovo je rasklimana država.
This is a disjointed state.
To više bre ni Pavaroti ne održava,
Even Pavarotti can't hold it together anymore,
Kamoli jadan ja. Idi, to su naivna nadanja.
Let alone me, you fool. Come on, those are naive hopes.
Al' možda legne marš, možda treba marš.
But maybe the march will work, maybe we need the march.
Za ovo ovde veselo krdo što je na svome tek kad mu je tvrdo.
For this place, a merry flock that's only in its element when it's hard.
Ostade mi marš, jedino još marš.
Only the march remains, only the march.
Jes′ da je pesmica bedna, al' vremena vanredna daj šta daš.
Yes, the song is pathetic, but the times are extraordinary take what you can get.
Pa da probam još marš, kratko jasno marš.
So let me try one more march, short and clear the march.
Za ovo ovde, lenjo do srži čiji je moto "trpi i rži".
For this place, lazy to the core, whose motto is "suffer and endure".
Ostade mi marš, ništa, samo marš.
Only the march remains, nothing but the march.
Uglavnom, što bi se reklo, al′ vreme je isteklo daj šta daš.
In short, as they say, but time's up take what you can get.
Marš ti, oca ti jebem bezobraznog.
March off, you shameless son of a gun.

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