Reznik - Nerdi Nerdi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Reznik - Nerdi Nerdi

Nerdi Nerdi
Nerds Nerds
Žjé! jé!
Yeah! Yeah yeah!
Tohleto je řezník. Rád bych vám něco řek' o hnusnej, tlustejch, upocenej nerdech. Zm*di!
This is the butcher. I'd like to tell you something about disgusting, fat, sweaty nerds. Wankers!
Je jim 30 a jsou tlustý.
They're 30 and they're fat.
Bydlej u mámy xichty hnusný.
They live with their mom, faces ugly as crap.
Péro malý, vlasy mastný.
Small dick, greasy hair.
Doživotní panic.
Lifelong virgin.
Je to jasný!
It's obvious!
Hrajou Traviany.
They play Travian.
Dostanou rány.
They'll get a beating.
Jste jako fanoušci Hvězdný brány.
You're like Stargate fans.
Všechny Pány Prstenů,
All the Lords of the Rings,
švihnu trubkou po hrtanu.
I'll whack their throats with a pipe.
Jó, nepřestanu nikdy prudit do těhletěch debilů.
Yeah, I'll never stop picking on these morons.
Hnusný, mastný zmrdi co maj kódy do všech levelů.
Disgusting, greasy jerks who have codes for all the levels.
Nasrat na tvůj World of Warcraft.
Screw your World of Warcraft.
s tebou skončím, tak nebudeš plakat.
When I'm done with you, you won't cry.
Budeš mrtvej a budu se smát.
You'll be dead and I'll be laughing.
nikdy nebudeš žádnou pí*ovinu hrát.
You'll never play any crap again.
Nerdi tak často hltaj školu.
Nerds so often cram for school.
Žerou brambůrky, lemtaj Colu.
They eat chips, they guzzle Coke.
Kecaj spolu výhradně přes ICQ.
They only talk to each other on ICQ.
Mirindu (kviptririartu)
Mirinda (gibberish)
to říkal, zm*di, F*ck you!
I told you, wankers, Fuck you!
Jdi se ožrat, neútoč na hrad.
Go get drunk, don't attack the castle.
Uloženou pozici nezkoušej nahrát.
Don't try to load the saved position.
Budeš zdrhat jak v Need for Speed.
You'll run like in Need for Speed.
Ale v reálnym životě ti nepomůže cheat.
But in real life, cheats won't help you.
Proto ti za chvíli dojde stamina.
That's why your stamina will run out soon.
Krví si zašpiní FallOut mikina.
Your Fallout hoodie will be stained with blood.
Je to rutina .
It's routine.
Vraždit nerdy.
Killing nerds.
Hraní aut jak Giuseppe Verdi.
Playing cars like Giuseppe Verdi.
Nerdi Nerdi (Jsou furt doma)
Nerds Nerds (They're always at home)
Nerdi Nerdi (Pařej Doom)
Nerds Nerds (Playing Doom)
Nerdi Nerdi (Stavěj hrady)
Nerds Nerds (Building castles)
Nerdi Nerdi (Rozkopu jim brady)
Nerds Nerds (I'll smash their faces)
Nerdi Nerdi (Jsou furt doma)
Nerds Nerds (They're always at home)
Nerdi Nerdi (Pařej Doom)
Nerds Nerds (Playing Doom)
Nerdi Nerdi (Žerou chipsy)
Nerds Nerds (Eating chips)
Nerdi Nerdi (Smrděj jak gipsy)
Nerds Nerds (Stinking like gypsies)
Často na ulicích
Often on the streets
Potkávám divný nerdy.
I meet weird nerds.
Do jejich hrbatejch zad
Into their hunched backs
Kladivem dávám herdy.
I hammer herds.
Vymlátím z tebe všechny tuky.
I'll beat all the fat out of you.
Prdim na celej život .
I fart on your whole life.
Hraješ gamebooky.
You play gamebooks.
Meče, luky do ruky.
Swords, bows in hand.
Znaj prej pistole, bazuky.
They know pistols, bazookas.
Čekáš na válku.
You're waiting for war.
to začne.
When it starts.
Spíš by ses měl starat o svý akné.
You should rather take care of your acne.
Celý prázdniny zabíjíš zombie.
You spend your whole vacation killing zombies.
Doktor ti zas přidal půlku dioptrie.
The doctor added another half diopter to your glasses.
Znám taky dicky co sbíraj Magicky.
I also know dicks who collect Magic cards.
Co v životě nezažijou pohlavní styky.
Who will never experience sexual intercourse in their lives.
Tyhle Magicky byla marná koupě.
These Magic cards were a waste of money.
Stejně furt hraješ Dračí Doupě.
You still play Dragon's Lair anyway.
Basseballový pálky na Hvězdný války.
Baseball bats for Star Wars.
Každej nerd viděl ku*vu jen z dálky.
Every nerd has only seen a pussy from afar.
Vím, že doposlechneš tenhle track.
I know that after you finish listening to this track.
Tak dostaneš vztek.
You'll get angry.
A zapneš Star Trek.
And turn on Star Trek.
Zas ti hráblo.
You've lost it again.
Hraješ Diablo.
You're playing Diablo.
Každý ráno máš mokrý prostěradlo.
Every morning your sheets are wet.
po stý si dáváš.
For the hundredth time you're giving it to yourself.
Texas Walker, Nick Slaughter a Harry Potter.
Texas Walker, Nick Slaughter and Harry Potter.
To jsou tvý kámoší jediní,
These are your only friends,
Je to smutný,
It's sad,
Každej to ví.
Everyone knows it.
Nerdi Nerdi (Jsou furt doma)
Nerds Nerds (They're always at home)
Nerdi Nerdi (Pařej Doom)
Nerds Nerds (Playing Doom)
Nerdi Nerdi (Stavěj hrady)
Nerds Nerds (Building castles)
Nerdi Nerdi (Rozkopu jim brady)
Nerds Nerds (I'll smash their faces)
Nerdi Nerdi (Jsou furt doma)
Nerds Nerds (They're always at home)
Nerdi Nerdi (Pařej Doom)
Nerds Nerds (Playing Doom)
Nerdi Nerdi (Žerou chipsy)
Nerds Nerds (Eating chips)
Nerdi Nerdi (Smrděj jak gipsy)
Nerds Nerds (Stinking like gypsies)
Ty jsi kundo myslíš, že seš nějakej G?
You bitch, do you think you're some kind of G?
Když celej den trávíš u Nintenda Wii?
When you spend all day on Nintendo Wii?
Terry Pratchett, to bych nečet.
Terry Pratchett, I wouldn't read that.
Nad postelí máš dřevený meče.
You have wooden swords above your bed.
Žiješ jen on-line.
You only live online.
Je ti fajn.
You're doing fine.
Nevycházíš ven, jseš tlustej jak kombajn.
You don't go out, you're fat as a combine.
Vždyť ty znáš jen virtuální sex.
You only know virtual sex.
Golden Eggs, se seknu do hlavy.
Golden Eggs, I'll chop my head off.
Dojde ...
Run out of...
Tohleto je totiž reálnej svět.
This is the real world.
Máš tu jeden život, ve hře pět.
You have one life here, I have five in the game.
Jsem tu teď proti tobě sám,
I'm here against you alone,
Rozm*dám celej tvůj CS klan.
I'll destroy your whole CS clan.
Zlomím v pase,
I'll break you in half,
ULTIMA je pasé.
ULTIMA is passé.
Jseš tlustej jak prase,
You're fat as a pig,
Zase trávíš na netu veškerej čas.
Again you spend all your time on the net.
Vypnu ti modem, přelomím vaz.
I'll turn off your modem, I'll break your neck.
Nerdi Nerdi (Jsou furt doma)
Nerds Nerds (They're always at home)
Nerdi Nerdi (Pařej Doom)
Nerds Nerds (Playing Doom)
Nerdi Nerdi (Stavěj hrady)
Nerds Nerds (Building castles)
Nerdi Nerdi (Rozkopu jim brady)
Nerds Nerds (I'll smash their faces)
Nerdi Nerdi (Jsou furt doma)
Nerds Nerds (They're always at home)
Nerdi Nerdi (Pařej Doom)
Nerds Nerds (Playing Doom)
Nerdi Nerdi (Žerou chipsy)
Nerds Nerds (Eating chips)
Nerdi Nerdi (Smrděj jak gipsy)
Nerds Nerds (Stinking like gypsies)
Jestli zas budeš celou noc hrát Counter-Striky,
If you play Counter-Strike all night again,
Tak ti připařím péro k myši pomocí fajky!
I'll attach your dick to the mouse with a pipe!

Writer(s): Martin Pohl

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