Şehinşah feat. Ati242 - SUİKAST MEVSİMİ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Şehinşah feat. Ati242 - SUİKAST MEVSİMİ

Buraları benim elini çek
This place is mine, back off, girl
Geçmişten geleceğe dek
From the past to the future, you see
7'den 70'e devinen dev
A giant moving from 7 to 70
Kuralları değiştirenlerden Şeyn
Şeyn, one of those who changes the rules, baby
Keçe suratların dedikleri neyse
Whatever those felt-faced people say
Tersini dene der
I tell them to try the opposite, darling
Bilir hepsini
Knows them all
The selfish ones, sweetheart
The spiteful ones, honey
Yeteneksizi çete
The talentless crew
Tek rapçisi ben
I'm the only rapper
Elek eskidi ver yenisi
The sieve is worn out, give me a new one
Eleyerek sen gibi gel kevgirim
Sieving through, come on my little dove, like you
Sorun ney yine sevgilim?
What's the problem again, my love?
Konu ben miyim
Is it about me?
Derdin ne der misin?
What's your problem, tell me?
Have fun, babe
Showu sevdin epey di' mi?
You enjoyed the show quite a bit, didn't you?
Sonu belli denendiki
The ending is obvious, it's been tried
Nefret dolu gergin eleştiriler gensoru
Hate-filled, tense criticisms, a vote of no confidence
Tenkit eder dili
Their tongue criticizes
Çek'çez peki
Let them pull, okay
Çeksin enerjimi
Let it drain my energy
Not enough
Ne teselli
No consolation
Ne cash
No cash
Verin haze'imi
Give me my haze
Beceremedim affedemedim
I couldn't manage, I couldn't forgive
Cehenneme değin hepinize ateş edeceğim
I'll shoot you all to hell
Medreseme gir al edep
Enter my madrasa, learn some manners
Eğil öp eteklerimi
Bow down and kiss my hem
Dönmem için epilepsi geçir
Have an epileptic seizure for me to turn back
Sen misin Kratos
Are you Kratos?
Dene beni
Try me, girl
Gör ebenin örekesini
See your midwife's vulva
Yel değirmenin benim
The windmill is mine
Everestin en tepesinde rezerve yerim
I have a reserved spot at the top of Everest
Ebediyen iteler seni menajerin!
Your manager will push you away forever!
Suikast mevsimindeydim
I was in my assassination season
Kristalizeydi bilincim
My consciousness was crystallized
I flew
Rüzgara değdim
I touched the wind
Ve çarşaf elimde bulutlara bindim
And with a sheet in my hand, I rode the clouds
Suikast mevsimindeydim
I was in my assassination season
Kristalizeydi bilincim
My consciousness was crystallized
Kafa yapım Khamzat
My mindset is Khamzat
Ondan rapim punchy
That's why my rap is punchy
Benzedim Trump'a
I resembled Trump
Olamadım Gandhi
I couldn't be Gandhi
Her sabah puff
Every morning a puff
Jamaican party
Jamaican party
Canım çeker çıkarım her an tatil
I crave it, I take a vacation any moment
Sözüm sana mommy
My word to you, mommy
Çıktım en üst kata
I climbed to the top floor
Bölüm sonu tamam baba
End of chapter, all right, dad
Sanki Rocky
Like Rocky
Kalbim nakil
My heart is transplanted
Pek anlatmasam da
Even though I don't talk about it much
Ben görmem rakip
I don't see any competition
Şeytan yan masamda
The devil is at my next table
Yakın zamanda ben kapattım defteri
I closed the book recently
Bataklıkta olmaz papatya rengi
There are no daisies in the swamp
Kafamda mercy
Mercy on my mind
Yatağımda en sexy Latin bitch
The sexiest Latin bitch in my bed
Ve bu hayatı ben seçtim
And I chose this life
Yazdım her texti
I wrote every text
Oyun gibi
Like a game
Sıçtığımı yer şirket
The company where I messed up
Domuz gibi
Like a pig
Fark açtım herkesle
I made a difference with everyone
Fizan kadar
As far as Fizan
Net gördüm hep sizde
I saw it clearly in all of you
Lisan para
Language is money
Like Dilan Polat senin dolar buffin
Like Dilan Polat, your dollar is bluffing
Ati Yamamoto stil kafa dakik
Ati Yamamoto style, sharp mind
Bende Maserati
I have a Maserati
Sense paparazzi
You're the paparazzi
Benim kafa rahat
My head is relaxed
Hepsine motha fuck
Motherfuck to all of them
Hedefim yaşamak
My goal is to live
Başka bi' şey değil
Nothing else
10 yıl kapansam bile trenddeyim
Even if I'm locked up for 10 years, I'm still trending
Orange mat
Orange matte
10 yıl kapansam da sizden ilerideyim
Even if I'm locked up for 10 years, I'm still ahead of you
Suikast mevsimindeydim
I was in my assassination season
Kristalizeydi bilincim
My consciousness was crystallized
I flew
Rüzgara değdim
I touched the wind
Ve çarşaf elimde bulutlara bindim
And with a sheet in my hand, I rode the clouds
Suikast mevsimindeydim
I was in my assassination season
Kristalizeydi bilincim
My consciousness was crystallized

Writer(s): Attila Serin, Ufuk Yikilmaz, Arda Gezer, Omer Faruk Celiker, Emir Can, Efe Can

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