Škwor - Co Takhle Jít - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Škwor - Co Takhle Jít

Co Takhle Jít
How About Leaving
Jeden je hajzl, druhej je blbej
One is an asshole, the other is stupid
Třetí se bojí a je strachy skoro tuhej
The third is afraid and is almost stiff with fear
Ten zas ženskou, která mu radí
That one has a woman who advises him
Oba sou bohatí a neklidní a mladí
Both are rich and restless and young
Další smůlu, něco mu uniká
Another one is unlucky, something is missing
Žena mu z jeho peněz neúspěšně podniká
His wife is unsuccessful in business with his money
Střet zájmů, co je to za blbost?
Conflict of interest, what kind of stupidity is that?
Dlužim na nájmu
I owe on rent
Co takhle jít, jít no to by bylo krásný
How about leaving, leaving now that would be beautiful
Co takhle jít, jít no to by bylo fér
How about leaving, leaving now that would be fair
Co takhle jít, jít budete lidem vzácný
How about leaving, leaving you will be precious to people
Co takhle jít, jít než ta sláva vyšumí
How about leaving, leaving before the glory fades
Támhleten kouká, jak by co zneužil
That guy over there is looking to exploit
Nestihne tenis, maják na autě mu houká
He can't make it to tennis, his car alarm is blaring
Další si myslí, že si dost neužil
Another one thinks he hasn't enjoyed enough
Taková dovolená nebyla by hloupá
Such a vacation wouldn't be stupid
To teda čumim asi jsem netušil
Well I'll be, I guess I didn't realize
Kdo to tu řídí, co je v týhle zemi možný
Who's in charge here, what's possible in this country
Tak pěkně potichu, abych je nerušil
So be quiet, so I don't disturb them
Deme na noční
Let's go to a night watch
Co takhle jít, jít no to by bylo krásný
How about leaving, leaving now that would be beautiful
Co takhle jít, jít no to by bylo fér
How about leaving, leaving now that would be fair
Co takhle jít, jít budete lidem vzácný
How about leaving, leaving you will be precious to people
Co takhle jít, jít než ta sláva vyšumí
How about leaving, leaving before the glory fades

Writer(s): Petr Hrdlicka, Leo Holan

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