Škwor - Hustej - traduction des paroles en anglais

Hustej - Škwortraduction en anglais

Sportovní vůz hodně rychlej
A sports car very fast
dva laufy udělaj zvuk krutej zvuk
Two barrels make a fierce sound
takovej co holka si vysní
A sound that girls dream of
a v něm sedí fajnovej kluk
And in it sits a handsome guy
tak aspoň stopadesát kilo
Well, at least a 150 kilograms
tak jaký by to bylo
So how would that be?
a zátylek do půl zad hrubejch zad
And a nape of the neck up to the middle of a thick back
a taky všude zlato
As well as all gold
jak veze si to zlato a šeptá
As he takes this gold and whispers
holka mám rád
Girl, I love you
jednou zabiju
Some day I will kill you
Buď hustej a vostrej
Be cool and sharp
na nějaký ohledy ser
Don't give a damn about any consideration
si buldozer
You are a bulldozer
buď hustej a vostrej
Be cool and sharp
tady ti všichni fanděj
Everyone here is cheering you on
seš nadupanej
You are pumped up
Buď hustej a vostrej
Be cool and sharp
na nějaký ohledy ser
Don't give a damn about any consideration
si buldozer
You are a bulldozer
buď hustej a vostrej
Be cool and sharp
tady ti všichni fanděj
Everyone here is cheering you on
seš nadupanej
You are pumped up
Velký kozy a pětatřicet kilo
Big tits and 35 kilograms
a zrovna teď je asi blond
And right now she's probably blonde
na sobě všechno co holky maj rády
Wearing everything that girls love
a vedle ten její bond
And next to her is her Bond
A tak vypráví mu co novýho v solárku
And so she tells him what's new in the tanning salon
jestli si všim že nový nehty
If you noticed that she has new nails
a von odpoví že to na háku
And he replies that he doesn't care
že jenom rány rozdává
that he only cares about dealing blows
Buď hustej a vostrej
Be cool and sharp
na nějaký ohledy ser
Don't give a damn about any consideration
si buldozer
You are a bulldozer
buď hustej a vostrej
Be cool and sharp
tady ti všichni fanděj
Everyone here is cheering you on
seš nadupanej
You are pumped up
Buď hustej a vostrej
Be cool and sharp
na nějaký ohledy ser
Don't give a damn about any consideration
si buldozer
You are a bulldozer
buď hustej a vostrej
Be cool and sharp
tady ti všichni fanděj
Everyone here is cheering you on
seš nadupanej
You are pumped up

Writer(s): petr hrdlička, tomáš kmec

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