Škwor - Sama (Live) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Škwor - Sama (Live)

Sama (Live)
Sama (Live)
Tak nám zase padá listí.
The leaves are falling again, my dear.
Další rok uběh, to je jistý.
Another year has passed, that's for sure.
Jsi malá holka a jsi tu dál.
You're a little girl and you're still here.
To není ústav, ale kriminál.
This isn't a home, it's a prison.
Asi ti voči míň zářej.
Your eyes no longer shine as brightly.
Proč se na tebe všichni tvářej.
Why does everyone treat you the way they do?
Jako bys mohla za to kdo je tvá máma.
As if you were responsible for who your mother is.
A co tu vlastně děláš bez sama.
And what are you even doing here without her?
Nikomu nechybíš, nikdo nehledá, jen
No one misses you, no one searches for you, only
čekáš za voknem, jestli se objeví ten.
you wait by the window, hoping to see him.
Kdo by chtěl s tebou bejt.
Someone who would want to be with you.
Kdo s tebou nejedná, jako s nechtěnym prašivim psem.
Someone who doesn't treat you like an unwanted, mangy dog.
Pro duši bolavou, rány se nehojej, v
For a soul that's hurting, the wounds won't heal, in
Elikej otazník, ve svejch očích máš.
Your big, questioning eyes, you're filled with doubt.
Řikáš si proč zrovna já.
You wonder, why me?
Cokoli uděláš, srazí na tvrdou zem.
Anything you do, knocks you down hard.
Každou noc pod polštář si dáváš.
Every night, you put under your pillow.
Dopisy co ti psala máma.
The letters your mother wrote to you.
je to dávno a ty to víš.
It's been a long time, and you know.
Nebude s tebou se probudíš.
She won't be there when you wake up.
Řekla, že jestli to vyjde.
She said that if she succeeds.
Že jednou pro tebe si přijde.
She'll come for you one day.
A že se změní a že ráda.
And that she'll change and that she loves you.
Tak co tu vlastně děláš bez sama.
So what are you even doing here without her?
Nikomu nechybíš, nikdo nehledá, jen
No one misses you, no one searches for you, only
čekáš za voknem, jestli se objeví ten.
you wait by the window, hoping to see him.
Kdo by chtěl s tebou bejt.
Someone who would want to be with you.
Kdo s tebou nejedná, jako s nechtěnym prašivim psem.
Someone who doesn't treat you like an unwanted, mangy dog.
Pro duši bolavou, rány se nehojej, v
For a soul that's hurting, the wounds won't heal, in
Elikej otazník, ve svejch očích máš.
Your big, questioning eyes, you're filled with doubt.
Řikáš si proč zrovna já.
You wonder, why me?
Cokoli uděláš, srazí na tvrdou zem.
Anything you do, knocks you down hard.

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