Žuky Brate - Psycho - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Žuky Brate - Psycho

Jesan li probija jesan li probija
Am I breaking through, am I breaking through?
Čeka me ludara čeka me robija
The asylum awaits me, prison awaits me
Puka brate tablete san dobija
Dude, I got pills, I got pills
Dvi san popija pa ih zavolija
I popped two and fell in love with them
Sve joj dozvolija prvo se pomolija
I allowed her everything, first I prayed
Ima dupe nebi se odvojia
She's got an ass I wouldn't leave
Sve je super al san san obolija
Everything's super but I got sick
Posolija na sekund mislin da san joj odolija
For a second I thought I resisted her, salted it
Al san se prolija ko piva u ollija
But I spilled like beer in a bowling alley
To je ironija jer u ollija pivu san prolija
It's ironic because I spilled beer in a bowling alley
Nazad na temu kilo san donija dva san ponija
Back to the topic, I brought a kilo, I took two
Jeben ti sve cvit san čoknija iz svake
Fuck it all, I stuffed a bud from every
Trubu san roknija
I rocked the trumpet
Vata san ponija s ponicon đava me odnija
I grabbed a pony, the devil took me with the pony
Radnja se odvija kad rep se podvija
The action unfolds when the rap bends
Rep san onesposobija bojiš se pičko vata te fobija
I disabled the rap, you're scared, pussy, phobia's got you
Jesi vidija žukija žuky je probija
Did you see Žuky? Žuky broke through
Žuky ti repa iz hobbija iz lobija
Žuky raps to you as a hobby, from the beans
Kruv san izlomija kruv san izlomija
I broke the bread, I broke the bread
Kolač odvojia punin te pičkice ko vazektomija
I separated the cake, I'm filling you cunts like a vasectomy
Punin te pičkice ko vazektomija
I'm filling you cunts like a vasectomy
Žuky je probija žuky je probija
Žuky broke through, Žuky broke through
Žuky stvarno si probija
Žuky, you really broke through
Stvarno si probija stvarno si probija
You really broke through, you really broke through
Žuky stvarno si probija
Žuky, you really broke through
Žuky je probija žuky je probija
Žuky broke through, Žuky broke through
Žuky stvarno si probija
Žuky, you really broke through
Stvarno si probija stvarno si probija
You really broke through, you really broke through
Žuky stvarno si probija
Žuky, you really broke through
Stvarno san probija i boli me đon
I really broke through and my dick hurts
Pare san dobija ugasite ton
I got the money, turn off the sound
Dodaj mi droge ugasite bol
Give me drugs, turn off the pain
Ugasin se gol i bacin ti stol
I'll go out naked and throw a table at you
Zapalin krov i zapalin sve
I'll burn the roof and burn everything
Pičkice biže kad napalin se
Pussies run when I get turned on
Ima si love ćapan ti sve
You have money, I'll snatch everything
To ti je zadnje i nije mi bed
That's your last and I don't care
Malo si ladan grizen ti led
You're a bit cold, I'm biting your ice
Uvik san prvi ti stani u red
I'm always first, you get in line
Sladak ko med moš mi pocucat
Sweet as honey, you can lick me
Pičke me zovu al neću ih tucat
Bitches call me but I won't beat them
Dođe li malena počet cu buncat
If the little one comes, I'll start rambling
Dođu li druge ona će pucat
If others come, she will shoot
Sad je i rihanna počela štucat
Now even Rihanna started hiccuping
Čeka u portunu neću ti kucat
She's waiting in the hallway, I won't knock
Neću ni mucat dok vadin tu kesu
I won't even stutter while I'm taking out the money
Morat ćeš mučat dok tučen ti besu
You'll have to be silent while I beat your anger
Dilan ti prašinu pljucan u smjesu
Dilan gives you dust, I spit in the mixture
Dilan ti prašinu pljucan u smjesu
Dilan gives you dust, I spit in the mixture
Dok puniš mašinu ja punin vaginu
While you're filling the machine, I'm filling the vagina
Kita u anginu pa udri po vinu
Dick in angina, so hit the wine
Alo debilu upalit cu pilu
Hey dumbass, I'll light the pill
Rizat po tilu pa narizat bilu
Cut through the body and then cut the bill
Žuky je probija žuky je probija
Žuky broke through, Žuky broke through
Žuky stvarno si probija
Žuky, you really broke through
Stvarno si probija stvarno si probija
You really broke through, you really broke through
Žuky stvarno si probija
Žuky, you really broke through
Žuky je probija žuky je probija
Žuky broke through, Žuky broke through
Žuky stvarno si probija
Žuky, you really broke through
Stvarno si probija stvarno si probija
You really broke through, you really broke through
Žuky stvarno si probija
Žuky, you really broke through

Writer(s): žuky Brate, Antonio žuro

Žuky Brate - Gubin Razum
Gubin Razum
date de sortie

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