μ's - Oh,Love&Peace! - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais μ's - Oh,Love&Peace!

It's wonderful to be able to be single-minded
A single-minded feeling that's not based on reason
Do you have the freedom of rules and courage?
Move forward without fear
Share your joy
ふたつだけでも 必ず守りたいね
Even if it's only two things, I definitely want to protect them
Oh, Love&Peace!
Oh, Love&Peace!
優しい 風になれ心
Become a gentle wind
そうさ元気をあげたい 頑張るから
That's right, I want to give you energy, so I'll do my best
Oh, Love&Peace!
Oh, Love&Peace!
君が 悲しい時ずっと
If you ever feel sad
抱きしめると誓おう 忘れないで
I swear I'll hold you close, don't forget
もうつらくても 泣かないで 独りぼっちは
Don't cry anymore, even if it's hard, let's graduate from being alone
卒業しよう Love&Peace!
If you overexert yourself, you'll only hurt
Turn around and take a deep breath
Freedom and courage love everyone
Don't dislike yourself
Don't laugh at purity
恥ずかしくても 言いたいことがあるよ
There's something I want to say, even if I'm embarrassed
Oh, You may dream!
Oh, You may dream!
楽しい 物語つくろう
Let's create a fun story
だっていつも君と 行きたいから
Because I always want to go with you
Oh, You may dream!
Oh, You may dream!
君は 負けない多分? きっと!
You won't give up, I guess? Probably!
ピンチだって笑おう どうにかなるさ
Even if things are tough, let's smile, we'll figure it out
さあ悔しくて 寝れなくて 暗い夜の
Come on, when we can't sleep because we're so frustrated, and the night is dark
夜明けは近い You may dream!
The dawn is near, You may dream!
ほんの少しの 勇気それがあれば
If you have just a little bit of courage
いつか必ず変わるよ 誰でも
Things will definitely change someday for everyone
最初はちっぽけな自由 からはじまるよ意識が
At first, it starts with a tiny freedom, your awareness
上を 向いて やがて 大きなFreedom
Looking up, eventually, it will become a great Freedom
Oh, Love&Peace!
Oh, Love&Peace!
優しい 風になれ心
Become a gentle wind
そうさ元気をあげたい 頑張るから
That's right, I want to give you energy, so I'll do my best
Oh, Love&Peace!
Oh, Love&Peace!
君が 悲しい時ずっと
If you ever feel sad
抱きしめると誓おう 忘れないで
I swear I'll hold you close, don't forget
もうつらくても 泣かないで 独りぼっちは
Don't cry anymore, even if it's hard, let's graduate from being alone
卒業しよう Love&Peace!

Writer(s): Katsuhiko Kusosu, Aki Namiki (pka Aki Hata)

μ's - μ's Complete BEST BOX Chapter.10
μ's Complete BEST BOX Chapter.10
date de sortie

1 Yujo No Change
2 Snow Halation
3 知らないLove*教えてLove
4 あ・の・ね・が・ん・ば・れ!
5 ラブノベルス
6 ダイヤモンドプリンセスの憂鬱
7 Koi no Signal Rin rin rin!
8 Love marginal
9 Yuki no Reason
10 sweet&sweet holiday
11 Baby Maybe Koi No Button
12 baby maybe 恋のボタン
13 Otomeshiki Renai Juku
14 Arifureta Kanashimi no Hate
15 Ai wa Taiyo ja Nai?
16 Natsuiro Egao De 1, 2, Jump!
17 Mogyutto “Love” De Sekkinchu!
18 Spica Terrible
19 Spica Terrible
20 Kokuhaku Biyori, desu!
21 after school NAVIGATORS
22 Junai Lens
23 Mermaid Festa, Vol. 1
24 Mou Hitori ja Nai yo
25 Mou Hitori ja Nai yo
26 Mahotsukai Hajimemashita!
27 Music S.T.A.R.T!!
28 夏色えがおで1,2,Jump!
29 Music S.T.A.R.T!!
30 Loveless World
31 Loveless World
32 Mermaid festa - vol.1
33 もぎゅっと"love"で接近中!
34 愛してるばんざーい!
35 Wonderful Rush
36 Wonderful Rush
37 Mermaid Festa Vol. 2: Passionate
38 Someday of my life
39 恋のシグナルRin rin rin!
40 乙女式れんあい塾
41 まほうつかいはじめました!
42 純愛レンズ
43 Kokuhaku Biyori, desu!
44 ぶる〜べりぃ♡とれいん
45 孤独なHeaven
46 Soldier Game
47 Daring!!
48 勇気のReason
49 ありふれた悲しみの果て
50 Listen To My Heart!!
51 Oh,Love&Peace!
52 Aishiteru Banzai!
53 Watashitachi wa Mirai no Hana
54 Blueberry♡Train
55 Soldier Game
56 Mermaid Festa Vol. 2: Passionate
57 Bokura No Live Kimi to No Life
58 友情ノーチェンジ
59 Someday of My Life
60 Kodoku na Heaven
61 Listen To My Heart!!
62 Oh, Love & Peace!
63 Daring!!
64 after school NAVIGATORS

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