Афина - Жгучая любовь - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Афина - Жгучая любовь

Жгучая любовь
Searing Love
Ty, konechno, ne khotel, chtoby mne bylo bol'no.
You, of course, did not want to hurt me.
Vinovata ya sama, no, znayesh' li, dovol'no
It is my fault. As you know, enough is enough
Pritvoryat'sya i yulit', ya ved' ne prostila.
Of pretending and lying, for I have not forgiven.
Odnogo khochu zabyt', chto tebya lyubila.
One thing I want to forget: that I loved you.
Zhguchaya lyubov' vyzhgla mne vsyu dushu -
Searing love has burnt my soul out -
Ne zalit' vinom; ni dyshat', ni slushat'.
I can't drown it in wine, I can't breathe or listen.
Lish' by ne peklo, lish' by ne bolelo
If only it didn't burn, if only it did not hurt
Vnutri moyego tela.
Inside my body.
Svoyu golovu teper' mne by khot' na plakhu.
I wish I could lay my head on a chopping block now.
Akh, kak strastno ty khotel, chtob ya odnim makhom
Ah, how passionately you desired, that I, in one blow
Vypila lyubov' do dna, slovno yad gremuchiy, -
Would drink love to the dregs, like a deafening poison, -
No napitok okazalsya ochen'-ochen' zhguchim.
But the drink proved to be very-very searing.
Zhguchaya lyubov' vyzhgla mne vsyu dushu -
Searing love has burnt my soul out -
Ne zalit' vinom; ni dyshat', ni slushat'.
I can't drown it in wine, I can't breathe or listen.
Lish' by ne peklo, lish' by ne bolelo
If only it didn't burn, if only it did not hurt
Vnutri moyego tela... Zhguchaya lyubov'...
Inside my body... Searing love...
Zhguchaya lyubov'!
Searing love!
Nichego ne govori - vse slova pustyye.
Do not say anything - all the words are empty.
YA pytayus' razobrat' kto zhe my takiye.
I am trying to understand what we are.
Pochemu nam ne dano rovnogo dykhaniya;
Why we are not given steady breathing;
Otchego dusha bolit, otchego izranena.
Why my soul is aching, why it is wounded.
Zhguchaya lyubov' vyzhgla mne vsyu dushu -
Searing love has burnt my soul out -
Ne zalit' vinom; ni dyshat', ni slushat'.
I can't drown it in wine, I can't breathe or listen.
Lish' by ne peklo, lish' by ne bolelo
If only it didn't burn, if only it did not hurt
Vnutri moyego tela.
Inside my body.

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