Александр Розенбаум - Вещая судьба - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Александр Розенбаум - Вещая судьба

Вещая судьба
Prophetic Fate
Заплутал, не знаю где
Lost, I don't know where,
Чудо чудное глядел
I saw a wondrous sight,
По холодной, по воде
On the cold water there,
В грязном рубище
In rags and plight.
Через реку, через миг
Across the river, in a blink,
Брёл, как посуху старик
An old man walked, as on dry land,
Толи в прошлом его лик
Was it his face from the past I think,
Толи в будущем
Or from the future's strand?
Позамёрзшая межа
The frozen boundary lies,
А метели всё кружат
While blizzards swirl and spin,
Я глазами проважал
I watched him with my eyes,
Слышал сердца стук
Heard my heart beat within.
Одинока и горба
Lonely and hunched she goes,
Не моя ли шла судьба?
Could it be my fate that flows?
Эх, спросить бы
Oh, to ask I'd yearn,
Да губа
But my lips,
Онемела вдруг
Suddenly turn numb.
Полем, полем, полем
Across the field, the field, the field,
Белым, белым полем дым
White, white field, the smoke does yield,
Волос был чернее смоли
My hair was blacker than tar,
Стал седым
Now turned gray, by far.
Полем, полем, полем
Across the field, the field, the field,
Белым, белым полем дым
White, white field, the smoke does yield,
Волос был чернее смоли
My hair was blacker than tar,
Стал седым
Now turned gray, by far.
А старик всё шёл как сон
And the old man kept walking, like a dream,
По пороше босиком
Barefoot on the powdery snow's gleam,
Толи вдаль за горизонт
Either towards the horizon's seam,
А толи вглубь земли
Or deep into the earth below.
И чернела высота
And the heights grew dark, you know,
И снежинки, петь устав
And snowflakes, tired of their show,
На него ложились там
Fell upon him there, just so,
Да не таяли
Yet did not melt, aglow.
Вдруг в звенящей тишине
Suddenly, in the ringing silence' space,
Обернулся он ко мне
He turned to me, with solemn grace,
И мурашки по спине
And chills ran down my spine's embrace,
Ледяной волной
Like an icy wave, it flows.
На меня смотрел и спал
He looked at me, and slumbered deep,
"Старче, кто ты?" закричал
"Old man, who are you?" I cried and leaped,
А старик захохотал
And the old man laughed, his secrets kept,
Сгинув с глаза долой
Vanishing from sight, he goes.
Полем, полем, полем
Across the field, the field, the field,
Белым, белым полем дым
White, white field, the smoke does yield,
Волос был чернее смоли
My hair was blacker than tar,
Стал седым
Now turned gray, by far.
Не поверил бы глазам
I wouldn't believe my eyes' decree,
Отписал бы всё слезам
Would blame it all on tears, you see,
Может всё, что было там
Maybe everything that happened to me,
Was just a vision, a fantasy.
Но вот в зеркале друзья
But then, in the mirror, my friends so true,
Вдруг его увидел я
Suddenly I saw him, me, anew,
Видно, встреча та моя
It seems that encounter, through and through,
Всё же вещая
Was truly prophetic, just for you.
Полем, полем, полем
Across the field, the field, the field,
Белым, белым полем дым
White, white field, the smoke does yield,
Волос был чернее смоли
My hair was blacker than tar,
Стал седым
Now turned gray, by far.
Полем, полем, полем
Across the field, the field, the field,
Белым, белым полем дым
White, white field, the smoke does yield,
Волос был чернее смоли
My hair was blacker than tar,
Стал седым
Now turned gray, by far.

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