Ангел-хранитель - Странный шум - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ангел-хранитель - Странный шум

Странный шум
Strange Noise
«Странный шум»
"- That old house by the forest - it's beautiful, always dreamed of buying something like that!""- Forgive me! But I'll disappoint you; they never found its owner.""- I'm sure I could negotiate, yesterday, driving by - I saw the lights!""- It probably seemed to you, nobody lives there for many years."And there are rumors - the owner has been dead for a long time, I do not advise you to get involved in this matter!""- Trust me, I'm far from superstition, coachman, drop me off here!"- I'm very grateful to you, my friend, I'll be able to get there myself from here."People, I know, make up fables, about the ghost who lives inside there."And again this strange noise, it was heard from behind the door,Which, apparently, has been locked for ages.The owner of the house didn't say, when he sold it to me,Where it leads and what is hidden behind it.He seemed strange to me, and his appearance as if doomed,A thick strand of gray hair was visible.It is hidden by a hood, has been deprived of a voice since birth,He wheezed, barely hearing him.CHORUS:That night I recklessly, brought a curse upon myselfAnd these walls hold, as if in prisonYou just talked to yourself, in some empty roomNobody has entered it for so many years."- Is there a key to it?" But he disappeared without a trace,When I turned to him again."Ignoramus, - I just thought, but this is nonsense,I'll figure it out tomorrow, now it makes no sense.But as soon as I closed my eyes, the noise came as if from there,Someone is clearly looking for a way out behind it.And the words are almost impossible to make out, I'll have to break it,What the devil is going on here.CHORUS:That night I recklessly, brought a curse upon myselfAnd these walls hold, as if in prisonYou just talked to yourself, in some empty roomNobody has entered it for so many years.My fire in the lantern was trembling, and I walked further and further into the depths,"- Hey, who's here? I ask you to respond!"Creaking, the noose was swinging there, bowing its head in itA skeleton was hanged, all in cobwebs.He had already been dead for many years, dressed in something old,A thick strand of gray hair was visible.The owner must be one, and I need peace!And his gaze stopped at me.I ran away down the stairs. "- Ignoramus!" He shouted after meThe door closed blocking my exit"- I was alone for two hundred years, since then nobody visitedIt's convenient to wait in a noose, believe me you'll get used to it!"CHORUS:That night I recklessly, cast a curse on myselfAnd these walls hold, as if in prisonYou just talked to yourself, in some empty roomNobody has entered it for so many years.
"- Тот старый дом у леса - он прекрасен, всегда мечтал такой приобрести!"
"- That old house by the forest - it's beautiful, always dreamed of buying something like that!"
"- Простите! Но я вас разочарую, его владельца так и не нашли.
"- Forgive me! But I'll disappoint you; they never found its owner."
"- Уверен, я бы смог договориться, вчера, мимо проезжая - видел свет!
"- I'm sure I could negotiate, yesterday, driving by - I saw the lights!"
"- Наверное вам просто показалось, там не живёт никто уж много лет.
"- It probably seemed to you, nobody lives there for many years."
И слухи ходят - мёртв давно хозяин, я не советую вам в это дело лезть!"
And there are rumors - the owner has been dead for a long time, I do not advise you to get involved in this matter!"
"- Поверьте, я далёк от суеверий, извозчик, высади вот здесь!
"- Trust me, I'm far from superstition, coachman, drop me off here!"
- Я вам премного, друг мой, благодарен, отсюда дальше сам смогу дойти.
- I'm very grateful to you, my friend, I'll be able to get there myself from here."
Народ, я знаю, сказки сочиняет, о призраке, что там живёт внутри."
People, I know, make up fables, about the ghost who lives inside there."
И снова этот странный шум, он слышен был из-за двери,
And again this strange noise, it was heard from behind the door,
Которая, похоже, век закрыта.
Which, apparently, has been locked for ages.
Хозяин дома не сказал, когда его мне продавал,
The owner of the house didn't say, when he sold it to me,
Куда ведёт и что за нею скрыто.
Where it leads and what is hidden behind it.
Мне показался странным он, и вид как будто обречён,
He seemed strange to me, and his appearance as if doomed,
Седых волос густая прядь виднелась.
A thick strand of gray hair was visible.
Её скрывает капюшон, с рожденья голоса лишён,
It is hidden by a hood, has been deprived of a voice since birth,
Он прохрипел, едва его расслышал.
He wheezed, barely hearing him.
В ту ночь неосторожно я, навлёк проклятье на себя
That night I recklessly, brought a curse upon myself
И держат стены, эти словно взаперти
And these walls hold, as if in prison
Ты просто говорил с собой, в какой-то комнате пустой
You just talked to yourself, in some empty room
В неё так много лет никто не заходил.
Nobody has entered it for so many years.
"- А нет ли от неё ключа?" Но он исчезнул без следа,
"- Is there a key to it?" But he disappeared without a trace,
Когда к нему я снова обратился.
When I turned to him again."
Невежда, - лишь подумал я, а впрочем это ерунда,
Ignoramus, - I just thought, but this is nonsense,
Я завтра разберусь, сейчас нет смысла.
I'll figure it out tomorrow, now it makes no sense.
Но лишь я закрывал глаза, шум доносился словно там,
But as soon as I closed my eyes, the noise came as if from there,
За нею явно кто-то ищет выход.
Someone is clearly looking for a way out behind it.
И слов почти не разобрать, её придется мне ломать,
And the words are almost impossible to make out, I'll have to break it,
Какого чёрта, что же тут творится.
What the devil is going on here.
В ту ночь неосторожно я, навлёк проклятье на себя
That night I recklessly, brought a curse upon myself
И держат стены, эти словно взаперти
And these walls hold, as if in prison
Ты просто говорил с собой, в какой-то комнате пустой
You just talked to yourself, in some empty room
В неё так много лет никто не заходил.
Nobody has entered it for so many years.
Огонь мой в фонаре дрожал, а я всё дальше вглубь шагал,
My fire in the lantern was trembling, and I walked further and further into the depths,
"- Эй, кто здесь? Я прошу вас, отзовитесь!"
"- Hey, who's here? I ask you to respond!"
Скрипев, качалась там петля, в ней свою голову склоня
Creaking, the noose was swinging there, bowing its head in it
Повешен был скелет, весь в паутине.
A skeleton was hanged, all in cobwebs.
Он мёртв уже был много лет, во что-то старое одет,
He had already been dead for many years, dressed in something old,
Седых волос густая прядь, виднелась.
A thick strand of gray hair was visible.
Хозяин должен быть один, а мне покой необходим!
The owner must be one, and I need peace!
И взгляд его на мне остановился.
And his gaze stopped at me.
Я прочь по лестнице бежал. "- Невежда!" Он мне вслед кричал
I ran away down the stairs. "- Ignoramus!" He shouted after me
Закрылась дверь мне преграждая выход
The door closed blocking my exit
"- Две сотни лет я был один, с тех пор ни кто не навестил
"- I was alone for two hundred years, since then nobody visited
В петле удобно ждать, поверь привыкнешь!"
It's convenient to wait in a noose, believe me you'll get used to it!"
В ту ночь неосторожно я навлёк проклятье на себя
That night I recklessly, cast a curse on myself
И держат стены, эти словно взаперти
And these walls hold, as if in prison
Ты просто говорил с собой в какой-то комнате пустой
You just talked to yourself, in some empty room
В неё так много лет никто не заходил.
Nobody has entered it for so many years.

Paroles ajoutées par : Роман

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