עפרה חזה - Gentle Hand - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction עפרה חזה - Gentle Hand

Gentle Hand
Gentle Hand
Ho ... yad anuga hayta la
Soft as silk, your hand I held,
Ish lo he'ez ga'at ba;
A stranger yet not cold.
Zug s'fateha shani chen,
Your soft lips then touched my own,
Rak linshikot notzru hen.
And left their kisses to be known.
Ho, Ima ... rak linshikot notzru hen.
O, darling ... and left their kisses to be known.
Ho ... ayin sh'chora hayta la
Soft as silk, your eyes of black,
Or vatzel hitnagshu ba;
And in their light, a spark did crack.
Al mitzcha ra'ad od
Upon my brow your kisses fell,
Tal hayaldut malei hod.
And broke the spell I knew so well.
Ho, Ima ... tal hayaldut malei hod.
O, darling ... and broke the spell I knew so well.
Ho ... vayehi erev, vayehi leil,
Soft as silk, the night we met,
Cheresh nashak tzel el tzel;
Your whispered kiss, a tender set.
Az et liba masra lo -
If I should lose your love again,
Et kol liba masra lo.
And break the chain that links us then.
Ho, Ima ... et kol liba masra lo.
O, darling ... and break the chain that links us then.
Ho ... yad anuga hayta la
Soft as silk, your hand I held,

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