Ahlam - بيتنا واحد - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Ahlam - بيتنا واحد

بيتنا واحد
Our Home is One
الله، الله، الله
God, God, God
الله ما أجمل وطننا
How beautiful our homeland is
الله، الله، الله
God, God, God
الله يحمي الإمارات
God protect the Emirates
الله، الله، الله
God, God, God
الله ما أجمل وطننا
How beautiful our homeland is
الله، الله، الله
God, God, God
الله يحمي الإمارات
God protect the Emirates
الله ما أجمل وطننا وناسنا الوافين
How beautiful our homeland and our loyal people
كل مننا للمحبة وللغلا رافد
Each of us a channel for love and affection
الله ما أجمل وطننا وناسنا الوافين
How beautiful our homeland and our loyal people
كل مننا للمحبة وللغلا رافد
Each of us a channel for love and affection
كلن يحاول بإبداعه يرد الدين
Everyone tries to repay the debt with their creativity
كلن يحاول بإبداعه يرد الدين
Everyone tries to repay the debt with their creativity
متوحدين بغلانا وبيتنا واحد
United in our love and our home is one
متوحدين بغلانا وبيتنا واحد
United in our love and our home is one
الله، الله (الله يا بلادي)
God, God (God, my country)
الله، الله (يا أرض أجدادي)
God, God (O land of my ancestors)
والله (والله، والله)، والله (والله، والله)
By God (by God, by God), by God (by God, by God)
والله، والله بيتنا واحد
By God, by God, our home is one
كل يوم نقرى الفلق ونخاف شر العين
Every day we recite the dawn and fear the evil eye
ونخاف تلمس وطننا نظرة الحاسد
And we fear that the envious will touch our homeland
ونخاف تلمس وطننا نظرة الحاسد (كل يوم)
And we fear that the envious will touch our homeland (every day)
كل يوم نقرى الفلق ونخاف شر العين
Every day we recite the dawn and fear the evil eye
ونخاف تلمس وطننا نظرة الحاسد
And we fear that the envious will touch our homeland
ونخاف تلمس وطننا نظرة الحاسد
And we fear that the envious will touch our homeland
نعتز بشيوخنا والقادة الطيبين
We are proud of our good sheikhs and leaders
وأولهم أغلى خليفة وأغلى بو راشد
First among them is the most precious Khalifa and the most precious Bu Rashid
ومحمد الغالي اللي كمل الغاليين
And Muhammad the precious who completed the precious ones
شيخ المكارم وقدوتنا أبو خالد
The sheikh of generosity and our role model Abu Khalid
الله ما أجمل وطننا وناسنا الوافين (الله)
How beautiful our homeland and our loyal people (God)
كل مننا للمحبة وللغلا رافد
Each of us a channel for love and affection
الله، الله (الله يا بلادي)
God, God (God, my country)
الله، الله (يا أرض أجدادي)
God, God (O land of my ancestors)
والله (والله، والله)، والله (والله، والله)
By God (by God, by God), by God (by God, by God)
والله، والله بيتنا واحد
By God, by God, our home is one
نحنا على شيوخنا يا ربنا راضين
O our Lord, we are pleased with our sheikhs
يا رب ترضى عليهم واحدٍ واحد
O Lord, be pleased with them one by one
يا رب ترضى عليهم واحدٍ واحد (الله)
O Lord, be pleased with them one by one (God)
نحنا على شيوخنا يا ربنا راضين
O our Lord, we are pleased with our sheikhs
يا رب ترضى عليهم واحدٍ واحد
O Lord, be pleased with them one by one
يا رب ترضى عليهم واحدٍ واحد
O Lord, be pleased with them one by one
ردوا معي يا قلوب السامعين آمين
Repeat with me, O hearts of the listeners, Amen
الله يحمي وطننا ويخزي الحاقد
God protect our homeland and shame the envious
ردوا معي يا قلوب السامعين آمين
Repeat with me, O hearts of the listeners, Amen
الله يحمي وطننا ويخزي الحاقد
God protect our homeland and shame the envious
الله ما أجمل وطننا وناسنا الوافين (الله، الله)
How beautiful our homeland and our loyal people (God, God)
كل مننا للمحبة وللغلا رافد
Each of us a channel for love and affection
الله، الله (الله يا بلادي)
God, God (God, my country)
الله، الله (يا أرض أجدادي)
God, God (O land of my ancestors)
والله (والله، والله) والله (والله، والله)
By God (by God, by God) and God (by God, by God)
والله، والله بيتنا واحد
By God, by God, our home is one

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