I will make up with you and get upset with you, you like it or not
لاغزلك غصبا عنك ترضي ما ترضي واصالحك وازعل منك ترضي ما ترضي
I will flirt with you whether you like it or not, I will make up with you and get upset with you, you like it or not
لو قفلت لابواب اصعدلك سطوح
If you lock the doors, I will climb to the roof for you
ومن كل مسام قلبي تدخلك الروح
And my soul will enter through every pore of my heart
لو قفلت لابواب اصعدلك سطوح ومن كل مسام قلبي تدخلك الروح
If you lock the doors, I will climb to the roof for you and my soul will enter through every pore of my heart
امشي لافوق النار
I will walk on fire
Of course
واحمل برد واعصار
And I will carry snow and a tornado
Of course
أمشي لافوق النار
I will walk on fire
Of course
واحمل برد واعصار
And I will carry snow and a tornado
Of course
لاغزلك غصبا عنك ترضي ما ترضي واصالحك وازعل منك ترضي ما ترضي
I will flirt with you whether you like it or not, and I will make up with you and get upset with you, you like it or not
واغزلك غصبا عنك غصبا عنك
And I will flirt with you whether you like it or not, whether you like it or not
يامعشر العشاق
Oh lovers
جيت اشكي حالي
I came to complain about my condition
ظالم حبيب الروح
The beloved of my soul is cruel
ظالم الغالي
My precious is cruel
يامعشر العشاق
Oh lovers
جيت اشكي حالي
I came to complain about my condition
ظالم حبيب الروح
The beloved of my soul is cruel
ظالم الغالي
My precious is cruel
يستاهل نضحي
He deserves our sacrifice
نعطيه لمن روحي
Let's give it to the one who owns my soul
Of course
واغزلك غصبا عنك ترضي ما ترضي واصالحك وازعل منك ترضي ما ترضي لاغزلك غصبا عنك غصبا عنك
And I will flirt with you whether you like it or not, and I will make up with you and get upset with you, you like it or not, I will flirt with you whether you like it or not, whether you like it or not
ياروحي لا تبخل بس لو نظرة
Oh my beloved, don't be stingy, just one glance
سلم من الشباك واسعدني مره
Lean out of the window and make me happy once
ياروحي لا تبخل بس لو نظرة سلم من الشباك واسعدني مره
Oh my beloved, don't be stingy, just one glance, lean out of the window and make me happy once
يستاهل نضحي نعطيه لمن روحي طبعا لاغزلك غصبا عنك ترضي ما ترضي واصالحك وازعل منك ترضي ما ترضي لاغزلك غصبا عنك غصبا عنك
He deserves our sacrifice, let's give it to the one who owns my soul, of course, I will flirt with you whether you like it or not, and I will make up with you and get upset with you, you like it or not, I will flirt with you whether you like it or not, whether you like it or not
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