كاظم الساهر - Al Mahkama - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction كاظم الساهر - Al Mahkama

Al Mahkama
Al Mahkama
كن مُنصفًا يا سيدي القاضي
Be fair my lord, the judge
ذنبي أنا رجلٌ له ماضي
My fault is that I am a man with a past
تلك التي أمامكَ الآن
The one in front of you now,
كانت لدي أعزّ إنسانة
Was the most precious person I had
أحببتها وهيَ أحبتني
I loved her, and she loved me
صدقًا جميعَ الهمّ أنستني
Honestly, she made me forget all my worries
صارحتُها وقلت مولاتي
I was honest with her and told her, my lady
كثيرةٌ كانت علاقاتي
I have had many relationships
قالت حبيبي دع الماضي وقبلني
She said, my love, forget the past and kiss me
بين ذراعيكَ أنا الكلُّ وأنا لي الحاضرُ والآتي
In your arms, I am everything, and I am the present and the future
كُن منصفًا يا سيدي القاضي
Be fair my lord, the judge
تخونني لُغتي وألفاظي
My language and words betray me
إنّ الذي أمامك الآن
The one before you now
أشبعني ظُلمًا وحرمانا
Has made me full of injustice and deprivation
أنا حالةٌ فعلاً لها يُرثى
I am truly in a pitiable, helpless state
حتى نسيتُ بأنني أنثى
To the point where I forgot that I am a woman
دللتُها دللتني
I pampered her and she pampered me
دمرتني أنتَ أهملتني أنتَ
You destroyed me, you neglected me
أنتَ عذابي أنتَ همومي
You are my torment, you are my worries
ونسيت قسوته وقلت له:
And I forgot all his cruelty and told him:
حبيبي دع الماضي وقبلني
My love, forget the past and kiss me
بين ذراعيك أنا الكلُّ
In your arms, I am everything
وأنا لي الحاضر والآتي
And I am the present and the future
مرّ الزمان
Time passed by
تغيّرتْ تغيّر
She has changed, she has changed
تمرّدتْ تمرّدَ
She has rebelled, she has rebelled
تجبّرتْ تجبّرَ
She has become overbearing, she has become overbearing
تكبّرتْ تكبّرَ
She has become arrogant, she has become arrogant
صبري الجميلُ تجاوز الصبرَ
My beautiful patience surpassed patience
لغة الحوار تحوّلت جمرا
The language of dialogue turned into fire
فإن رأتني جنبها سارحًا
If she sees me lost beside her,
فورًا تصير امرأةً أخرى
She immediately becomes a different woman
غيرتُها مرضٌ يوسوس لي
Her alteration is a disease whispering to me
فعلاً أحنّ لذلك الماضي
I really long for that past
أطلق يديَ سيدي القاضي
Release my hands, my lord, the judge
حرّر يديَ حرّر يديَ
Free my hands, free my hands
الله على سهراته الكبرى
God, her grand parties
يومًا أراهُ ويختفي شهرا
One day I see him and he disappears for a month
عُذرًا يناقضُ سيدي عذرا
An excuse contradicts an excuse, my lord
من بيت صاحبةٍ إلى أخرى
From one woman's house to another
فالشلّةُ الأولى أعادته
The first gang brought him back
لضلاله وضياعه الماضي
To his past error and loss
كُن منصفًا يا سيدي القاضي
Be fair my lord, the judge

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