محمد عبده - نور الشمس - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction محمد عبده - نور الشمس

نور الشمس
أحب نور الشمس في وقت الغروب
I like the sunlight during the sunset
يعكس شعاع النور من نور خلي
Reflects a ray of light from the light of the Creator
واحب لون البدر في خده يذوب
And I love the color of the moon on his cheek melting
ينسج خيوط الذهب كله لي
Weaves golden threads all for me
أَحِبّ نُور الشَمْس ڤِي وَقَتَّ الغُرُوب
I love the sunlight during the sunset
يَعْكِس شُعاع النُور مَن نُور خَلِيّ
Reflects a ray of light from the light of the Creator
وَأَحِبّ لَوْن البَدْر ڤِي خَدَّهُ يَذُوب
And I love the color of the moon on his cheek melting
يَنْسِج خُيُوط الذَهَب كُلّهُ لَيّ
Weaves golden threads all for me
وانا خفوقي في الهوا يا اكمل كوب
And my heart beats in love, my most perfect cup
مهما جراله في الهوا ما ستدلي
Whatever happens to him in love, he will not let it go
يهوى ركوب الصعب في كل مركوب
He loves to ride difficultly in every vehicle
والسهل عنده ملقى له محلي
And the easy one is thrown to him locally
وَأَنا خفوقي ڤِي أَلْهَوْا يا أَكْمَلَ كُوب
And my heart beats in love, my most perfect cup
مَهْما جراله ڤِي أَلْهَوْا ما سَتُدْلِي
Whatever happens to him in love, he will not let it go
يُهَوَّى رُكُوب الصَعْب ڤِي كُلّ مَرْكُوب
He loves to ride difficultly in every vehicle
وَالسَهْل عِنْدَهُ مُلْقَى لَهُ مَحْلِي
And the easy one is thrown to him locally
وانا حبيبي له هوايات واسلوب
And my beloved has hobbies and a style
دل ودلاله زوق وغنخ وتغني
Pamper and allure, grace and sing and entertain
يلاعب قلوب وله عبر عبوب
He plays with hearts and has sorrows
غر فتون وفتنته محلي
A proud charmer and his charm is native
وَأَنا حَبِيبَيْيَ لَهُ هِوايات وَأُسْلُوب
And my beloved has hobbies and a style
دَلَّ وَدِلالهُ زَوَّقَ وغنخ وَتُغَنِّي
Pamper and allure, grace and sing and entertain
يُلاعِب قُلُوب وَلَهُ عِبَر عبوب
He plays with hearts and has sorrows
غِرّ فَتَوِنّ وَفَتَنَتهُ مَحْلِي
A proud charmer and his charm is native
محلي بخفوقي بعد جولات وحروب
Native in my heart after rounds and wars
ولا اني بنادم على ما حصلي
And I do not regret what happened to me
سلمت له امري وما كنت مغصوب
I handed him my case and I was not forced
هذه مروتي وهذا سجلي
This is my story and this is my record
مَحْلِي بخفوقي بُعْد جَوْلات وَحُرُوب
Native in my heart after rounds and wars
وَلا أَنِي بِنادِم عَلِيّ ما حصلي
And I do not regret what happened to me
سُلِّمتَ لَهُ آمِرَيْيَ وَما كُنتِ مَغْصُوب
I handed him my case and I was not forced
هٰذِهِ مَرْوَتَيْ وَهٰذا سِجِلِّي
This is my story and this is my record
الحب هو مكتوب ما منه مهروب
Love is written, there is no escape from it
ولا عنه الانسان حول وحلي
And the human being has no way out of it
ولا خبير اللهو صار لي منسوب
And no expert in entertainment has become my relative
ادري واراعي ليلك تملي
I know and I watch over your night to the full
الحَبّ هُوَ مَكْتُوب ما مِنْه مهروب
Love is written, there is no escape from it
وَلا عَنهُ الإِنْسان حَوْل وَحِلَيْيَ
And the human being has no way out of it
وَلا خَبِير اللَهْو صار لَيّ مَنْسُوب
And no expert in entertainment has become my relative
أُدْرِي وَأُراعِي لَيْلكَ تُمِلِّي
I know and I watch over your night to the full

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