เสก โลโซ - อยากเห็นหน้าคุณ - traduction des paroles en russe

Paroles et traduction เสก โลโซ - อยากเห็นหน้าคุณ

Хочу увидеть твое лицо
Ter bpai mai laa sak kam mai tan daai dtriam jai
Ты ушла, не попрощавшись, и я не был к этому готов.
(You left without saying goodbye and I was unable to prepare myself.)
(You left without saying goodbye and I was unable to prepare myself.)
Man gin man non mai daai naam dtaan yang kom bpaak
Не могу ни есть, ни спать. Горько во рту, словно от сахара.
(I can't eat, I can't sleep. The sugar is still bitter in my mouth.)
(I can't eat, I can't sleep. The sugar is still bitter in my mouth.)
Tam kon rak gan hai jep geuap dtaai
Ты причинила мне такую боль, что я чуть не умер.
(You hurt me so much I almost died.)
(You hurt me so much I almost died.)
Dang seua tee man mot sin laai jep maa jon teung wan nee
Словно тигр, потерявший свою силу, я всё ещё чувствую боль.
(Like a tiger that has lost its strength, the pain is still aching up until now.)
(Like a tiger that has lost its strength, the pain is still aching up until now.)
Taa ter mai-rang-giat gan paa kao maa duay loie
Если ты не против, приведи его с собой.
(If you don't mind then bring him with you.)
(If you don't mind then bring him with you.)
Maa kui gan baep bpert poie reuang ter gap kon nan
Давай поговорим открыто о твоей связи с ним.
(Let's talk openly about the affair with you and him.)
(Let's talk openly about the affair with you and him.)
Mee kam taam dieow tee yaak ja taam
У меня есть только один вопрос...
(I've only got one question that I want to ask...)
(I've only got one question that I want to ask...)
Waa kao som kuan kae nai gan kao maa yaeng ter jaak chan
Кто он такой, чтобы увести тебя от меня?
(Who is he to take you away from me?)
(Who is he to take you away from me?)
Tee gao jaao derm hai maa jer kor hai ter yaa leum na
Встретимся на нашем месте. Надеюсь, ты не забудешь.
(We'll meet at the usual place. I hope you don't forget.)
(We'll meet at the usual place. I hope you don't forget.)
Liang-song hai kwaam bpuat raao kwaam sao tam ao jep
Выпьем за боль и горе, которые ты мне причинила.
(Let's give a toast to the pain and sorrow you've caused me.)
(Let's give a toast to the pain and sorrow you've caused me.)
Liang-song hai ter gap kao daai rak gan naan-naan
Выпьем за то, чтобы вы с ним долго любили друг друга.
(Let's give a toast for you and him to love each other for a long time.)
(Let's give a toast for you and him to love each other for a long time.)
Kor hai ter choke dee pon jaak kon-kon nee tee ter mai dtong gaan
Желаю тебе счастья вдали от человека, которого ты не хочешь.
(I wish you the best of luck, away from this person who you don't want.)
(I wish you the best of luck, away from this person who you don't want.)
Chek bin tee chan seu kwaam sia jai chan ja jaai eng
Счет, пожалуйста. Я заплачу за свою печаль. Угощаю.
(Check the bill. I'll pay for sorrow. It'll be my treat.)
(Check the bill. I'll pay for sorrow. It'll be my treat.)
Tam-mai naa sao yaang nan ngaan-liang dtong lerk raa
Почему ты такая грустная? Даже прощальным вечеринкам приходит конец.
(Why is your face so sad? Farewell parties have to come to an end.)
(Why is your face so sad? Farewell parties have to come to an end.)
Reuang rao mai chai bpan-haa pror ter yang mee kao
Всё это не проблема, ведь у тебя есть он.
(All this issue
(All this issue

Writer(s): Sakson Sookpimay

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