やなぎなぎ - Koibumi (Game Size Ver.) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction やなぎなぎ - Koibumi (Game Size Ver.)

Koibumi (Game Size Ver.)
Koibumi (Game Size Ver.)
手をつないで歩くこと ただそれだけも出来なくて
Unable to even walk hand in hand, not to mention just that,
戻れない時は過ぎて そのまま終わる気がしてた
The time came when there was no return, and it seemed that it would simply end that way,
二人歩く帰り道 終わらず続いてほしくて
The way home we two walked together, I wanted it to go on forever,
道の傍(はた)に咲くような 青い花一つ
A single blue flower that seemed to bloom right by the side of the road,
消失点の境目に あなたの姿が映る
Your figure is reflected on the boundary of the vanishing point,
私の暗い部屋の窓辺 暖かな光射した
A warm light shone through my dark room window,
忘れた時の彼方に すべてが置き去られても
Even if everything is left behind in the beyond of forgotten times,
ずっと大好きだから忘れないよ 今はたださようならだけ
I will never forget, because I love you so much, for now, I'll simply bid farewell,
今ここで生きていること あなたが教えてくれたね
Now, living here at this moment, you showed it all to me,
例えどんな過酷でも 二人でいれば笑えると
Even if things get tough, if we are together, we can laugh,
いつかこの世が終わって 二人別れてしまっても
Someday when this world ends, and we two must part,
いつかきっとまた逢える あなたはそう言った
Someday we will surely meet again, you said,
終わりが来る星の中で 青い光探してる
In the midst of a star that is coming to its end, I search for a blue light,
私の心に重なって あなたの鼓動聞こえた
Overlapping my heart, I could hear your heartbeat,
静かな夜の波頭に いつもの朝が消えても
Even if the usual morning disappears on the crest of the quiet night wave,
ここでいつまでだって名前呼ぶよ 胸にひとつある傷も
Even the one wound I bear on my chest, I will always call out your name here forever,
手のひらに落ちる雫 きっと指から流れる
The tears that fall into my palm will surely flow from my fingers,
そんな悲しみだって変えてゆける あなたを想うと
Even sadness like this can change if I think of you,
ここに残る歌の中 記憶伝わる気がした
In this song that remains, memories seem to be passed down,
私がずっと伝え続けるのは ただひとつ想い乗せ
I will always continue to convey a single thought, carrying it,
It is nothing more than "I love you."

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