カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - Daylight [カラオケ] (オリジナルアーティスト:嵐) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - Daylight [カラオケ] (オリジナルアーティスト:嵐)

Daylight [カラオケ] (オリジナルアーティスト:嵐)
Daylight [Karaoke] (Original Artist: Arashi)
誰もが同じ悔しさで 夢の終わりを認めないように
No one wants to acknowledge the end of their dreams with the same regret,
希望大家都不要因同樣的悔恨 而認了夢想的終結
Hope everyone Please don't because of the same regret and admit the end of the dream
明日はそう 違う自分と 歩いていくから
Tomorrow is so Different self With Walk, because
因為明天也要 與不同的自己 向前邁步而進
Because tomorrow also To walk with a different self
痛みを抱いて優しさに変えて たとえ胸が張り裂けても
Embracing pain and turning it into kindness Even if my chest is torn apart
懷抱著痛楚並轉換成溫柔 即使胸口綻裂
Embracing the pain and turning it into gentleness Even if my chest bursts
君はもう 自分知っている 歩き出せばほら見えてくる
You already know yourself If you start walking, look
妳都已經 認識了自己 只要跨步而出就能看見
You already Know yourself Just take a step and you'll see
ぎゅっと強く温かなその手で 時間(とき)を掴み取れ
With those strong and warm hands, seize the time
用那強勁且溫柔的手 緊緊抓取時間
With those strong and warm hands, seize the time
消えそうな勇気を 今持ってる君へ
To you who has courage that is about to disappear now
妳現在擁有著 即將消失的勇氣
You now have Courage that is about to disappear
届けこの想いよ Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
Deliver this feeling Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
向妳傳達這份心意 Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
Convey this feeling to you Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
切なくて淡い いつかの夜走った ひとりの道は
Bittersweet and faint On a night when you ran alone The road is
在某一個 憂愁又淺淡的夜裡奔跑 一個人的路途
On a Melancholy and faint night I ran A lonely path
もう 風が包んでくれるから
The wind is already enveloping me
已經 有風兒包圍我
Already The wind wraps around me
時間(とき)はもう動き出している 無情に瞬間を忘れてくように
Time has already started to move As if to forget the moment without mercy
時間已經開始進行 彷彿會逐漸無情地遺忘瞬間一般
Time has already begun As if to gradually and ruthlessly forget the moment
君はもう 気づき始めた 変わりゆく未来に (未来に)
You have already Started to notice The changing future (future)
妳已經 開始注意到了 那逐漸改變的未來(未來)
You have already Begun to notice That gradually changing future (future)
あの時しまった記憶の欠片 心掴み惑わすなら
If the fragments of those sealed memories Grasp your heart and confuse you
倘諾那時收起的記憶碎片 會緊抓內心並加以迷惑
If those fragments of memory that were sealed at that time Grasp your heart and confuse you
いつかそう ここに帰って来る 今よりも明日を見てるから
Someday, so Come back here Looking at tomorrow more than today
總有一天 會再回到這裡 比起現在更是注意看著明日
Someday Will come back here Paying more attention to tomorrow than today
もっと強くしなやかな光で ゼロを突き抜けて
With a stronger and more flexible light Break through zero
用更是強烈但柔軟的光芒 突破原點吧
With a stronger but more flexible light Break through the origin
祈るような声で 誰か待ってる君へ
With a voice like a prayer To someone who is waiting for you
用彷彿祈禱之聲 等待著某人的妳
With a voice like a prayer Waiting for someone
迷わない翼を Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
Unwavering wings Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
將這果決的翅膀獻給妳 Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
To you these decisive wings Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
離れてく遠い あの日の空誓った 揺るがぬ言葉
Far away, on that day's sky, I swore unshakable words
向逐漸遠離 那一天的天空起誓 無所動搖的話語
To that day's sky that gradually fades away, I swore unwavering words
そう きっと明日へ続くから
Yes, surely it will continue into tomorrow
沒錯 一定會延續到明日
Yes, it will definitely continue into tomorrow
たとえ僅かな希望 それは奇跡の意味 ずっと君が望んでた夢はもう
Even if it's just a small hope It's the meaning of a miracle The dream you've always wanted is already
就算是微薄的希望 也充滿著奇蹟的意義 妳一直期盼的夢想
Even if it's just a little hope It's full of the meaning of miracles The dream you've always longed for
自分さえ気づかない響き奏でて 君の中に生まれているから
Playing a melody that even you don't realize is resonating within you
已經鳴奏出連自己都沒發覺的聲響 存在於你的體內
Already playing The sound of which even yourself is not aware Resonates inside of you
In a situation where there is absolutely no chance of winning
In a situation where there is absolutely no chance of winning
A road with no light
A path where the light cannot be seen
A faint emergency light
A slightly glowing emergency light
A course that believes in hope and moves forward
A course that believes in hope and moves forward
My notebook that continues to guide the direction
My notebook continues to guide the direction
Don't stop rolling
Don't stop rolling
Don't stop rolling
Don't stop rolling
Someone is crying with pain
Someone is crying in pain
The way is now open
The path has now been opened
"Believe in myself"
"Believe in myself"
"Believe in myself"
"Believe in myself"
未来へ誓って 過去が未来を照らしてく
Swearing for the future The past will illuminate the future
向未來起誓 過去將持續照亮未來
Swearing to the future The past will continue to illuminate the future
消えそうな勇気を 今持ってる君へ
To you who has courage that is about to disappear now
妳現在擁有著 即將消失的勇氣
You now have Courage that is about to disappear
届けこの想いよ Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
Deliver this feeling Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
向妳傳達這份心意 Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
Convey this feeling to you Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
切なくて淡い いつかの夜を超えて 今へ
Overcoming the faint and melancholic nights of the past, towards the present
越過抹一個 憂愁又淺淡的夜晚 朝向當下
Overcoming the Melancholy and faint night of one day To the present
Engraving a certain time
Gradually carving out a tangible time
祈るような声で 誰か待ってる君へ
With a voice like a prayer To someone who is waiting for you
用彷彿祈禱之聲 等待著某人的妳
With a voice like a prayer Waiting for someone
迷わない翼を Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
Unwavering wings Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
將這果決的翅膀獻給妳 Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
To you these decisive wings Zero to Goal Zero to Goal
離れてく遠い あの日の空誓った 揺るがぬ言葉
Far away, on that day's sky, I swore unshakable words
向逐漸遠離 那一天的天空起誓 無所動搖的話語
To that day's sky that gradually fades away, I swore unwavering words
そう きっと明日へ続くから
Yes, surely it will continue into tomorrow
沒錯 一定會延續到明日
Yes, it will definitely continue into tomorrow

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