カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - アルエ (オリジナルアーティスト:BUMP OF CHICKEN ) [カラオケ] - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - アルエ (オリジナルアーティスト:BUMP OF CHICKEN ) [カラオケ]

アルエ (オリジナルアーティスト:BUMP OF CHICKEN ) [カラオケ]
Alue (Original Artist: BUMP OF CHICKEN) [Karaoke]
白いブラウス似合う女の子 なぜいつも哀しそうなの?
Why are you always so sad, you in the white blouse that looks so good on you?
窓ぎわに置いたコスモスも きれいな顔うなだれてる
Even the cosmos by the window looks downcast.
青いスカート似合う女の子 自分の場所を知らないの
You in the blue skirt that looks so good on you, you don't know where you belong?
窓ぎわに置いたCOSMOSも 花びらの色を知らないの
Even the cosmos by the window doesn't know the color of its petals.
Once, you swung on a swing,
いたいけな目を少しふせて 哀しい顔でうつむいた
lowered your innocent eyes slightly, and looked down with a sad face.
“I'm fine alone.”
ハートに巻いた包帯を 僕がゆっくりほどくから
I'll slowly unwrap the bandage you've wrapped around your heart.
Come find the bridge that leads to the sunshine.
哀しい時は目の前で 大声出して泣いてよ
When you're sad, cry out loud in front of me.
そんな寒いトコ今すぐ出ておいで アルエ...
Come out of that cold place right now, Alue...
僕の大切なアルエ 1人で見ていた夕焼け
My precious Alue, you watched the sunset alone.
僕もいっしょに見ていいかい? 僕も一緒に居ていいかい?
Can I watch it with you? Can I stay with you?
ボクノタイセツナアルエ 本当はとてもさみしいんだろう
My precious Alue, you're actually very lonely.
僕はいつでもそばに居る 僕がこれからそばにいる
I'll always be by your side, I'll be here for you from now on.
君は人より少しだけ 不器用なだけの女の子
You're just a little bit clumsier than others, you know.
「ウレシイトキドンナフウニ ワラエバイイカワカンナイ...」
“I don't know how to laugh when I'm happy...”
ハートに巻いた包帯を 僕がゆっくりほどくから
I'll slowly unwrap the bandage you've wrapped around your heart.
Get your slide ready to capture your smiles!
うれしい時は目の前で 両手たたいて笑ってよ!
When you're happy, clap your hands and laugh in front of me!
そんな寒いトコ今すぐでておいで アルエ...
Come out of that cold place right now, Alue...
ハートに巻いた包帯も もうすぐ全部ほどけるよ
The bandage around your heart will soon be completely undone.
Don't be afraid, show me your true face.
“When I'm happy, I can laugh,” “When I'm sad, I can cry.”
そんな寒いトコ今スグ出て こっちにおいで
Come out of that cold place right now, come over here.
ハートに咲いたコスモスが 枯れないように水をやろう
I'll water the cosmos blooming in your heart so they don't wilt.
They sway under the blue sky, so beautiful.
ブリッジでとったスライドは 君が生きてるって証拠さ
The slides you took on the bridge are proof that you are alive.
あたたかい日だまりの中で一緒に 手をたたこう。
Let's clap our hands together in the warm sunshine.

カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - Best of BUMP OF CHICKEN カラオケ
Best of BUMP OF CHICKEN カラオケ
date de sortie

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