カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - 今、咲き誇る花たちよ (オリジナルアーティスト:コブクロ) [カラオケ] - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - 今、咲き誇る花たちよ (オリジナルアーティスト:コブクロ) [カラオケ]

今、咲き誇る花たちよ (オリジナルアーティスト:コブクロ) [カラオケ]
Now, Flowers In Full Bloom (Original Artist: Kobukuro) [Karaoke]
微笑みを絶やさない 太陽に照らされて
With smiles never ending, illuminated by the sun
僕等を包む日々は 輝き続ける
The days enveloping us continue to shine
春がくれる光で この星は生まれ変わり
In the light given by spring, this planet is reborn
果て無き大地に 愛が芽吹く様に
Like love sprouting in the endless land
一人に一つずつ 未来の種
One seed of the future for each person
どんな風にも負けない 強さと優しさで根を張れ
Spread your roots with strength and kindness that will never falter
咲き誇る花たちよ 天高く羽ばたけ
Now, flowers in full bloom, soar high into the sky
Like you would paint this adorable world
雪の下に隠れて 自分の色を探し
Hidden beneath the snow, searching for your own color
やがて 真っ白な冬を溶かすのでしょう
In time, you will melt the pure white winter
凍えそうな指を 繋ぎ合わせ
Entwining our freezing fingers together
ぬくもり一つ交わして 誓った最後の約束が
We exchange a warmth and make a final promise
君と夢との結び目を 強く握りしめて
To hold the bond between you and the dream firmly
信じた空見上げてる あの瞳の様に
Like those eyes gazing up at the sky you believed in
咲き誇る花たちよ 天高く羽ばたけ
Now, flowers in full bloom, soar high into the sky
Like you would paint this adorable world
散る日も枯れる日も 未来の為
The days of falling and withering are for the future
振り返らずに歩いた 強さと優しさ 胸を張れ
Walk without looking back, with strength and kindness, chest puffed out
咲き誇る花たちよ 天高く羽ばたけ
Now, flowers in full bloom, soar high into the sky
Like you would change the color of this adorable world
微笑みが途切れそうな日は 思い出してほしい
When your smile seems to fade, I want you to remember
遠ざかりそうな夢を 手繰り寄せ 駆け抜けた道を
The distant dream you drew in and the path you ran
それでもこぼれる涙は もう拭わないでいい
Even so, you don't have to wipe away the tears that fall anymore
本当の君に戻って また 立ち上がればいい
Return to the real you and stand up again
咲き誇る花たちよ 天高く羽ばたけ
Now, flowers in full bloom, soar high into the sky
Like you would paint this adorable world
Like the eyes that gaze up at the sky you believed in

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