カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - 冬空のLove Song(オリジナルアーティスト:ベッキー♪#)[カラオケ] - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - 冬空のLove Song(オリジナルアーティスト:ベッキー♪#)[カラオケ]

冬空のLove Song(オリジナルアーティスト:ベッキー♪#)[カラオケ]
Winter Sky Love Song (Original Artist: Becky♪#)[Karaoke]
The orange mug on the table
At least share its warmth with me
月からこぼれ落ちて ひとりぼっちで光る星たち
The stars that fell from the moon shine alone
指でなぞれば あなたが住む街に辿り着けるのかな
Can I trace your finger to the city where you live?
愛を伝えよう何も求めずに どんなに不安が押し寄せてきても
I will tell you about my love without asking for anything even though anxiety overwhelms me
出会えた喜び支え合うことの幸せ 両手で抱きしめ今日を紡いでゆく
The joy of meeting you and the happiness of supporting each other, I will hold them in my hands and weave today
I can't be honest and I throw tantrums
And I troubled you again
涙がこぼれ落ちて ひとりぼっちがしみる日曜
Tears fall and loneliness soaks through on Sunday
Are you always strong and thinking the same way?
愛を数えよう微笑み絶やさず どんなに不安が押し寄せてきても
I will count the love, the smiles will not stop even though anxiety overwhelms me
信じる喜び許し合うことの幸せ 両手で抱きしめ今日を奏でてゆく
The joy of believing and the happiness of forgiving each other, I will hold them in my hands and play today
信号を越えて 理由さえも越えて 今2人は約束の場所へ
Crossing the traffic lights and even reason, now the two of us go to the promised place
雪のイルミネーション きれいに咲いた頃
The snow illumination, blooming beautifully
そっと優しく キスして
Gently kiss me
会いたいと願う まっすぐな祈りが
The wish to see you, the pure prayer
Brought the two of us closer
強く結ばれた あなたと私の心は
Your heart and my heart are strongly connected
誰もこわせない もう離れない
No one can break it, never separate
愛を伝えよう何も求めずに どんなに不安が押し寄せてきても
I will tell you about my love without asking for anything even though anxiety overwhelms me
出会えた喜び支え合うことの幸せ 両手で抱きしめ今日を紡いでゆく
The joy of meeting you and the happiness of supporting each other, I will hold them in my hands and weave today
And weave tomorrow

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