クリフエッジ - weeeek - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction クリフエッジ - weeeek

明日っからまた日、月、火 ほら水、木回って金、土、日曜
Tomorrow is Monday again, Tuesday, Wednesday. Look, Thursday, Friday around to Saturday, Sunday
夢の日々を 大事にいきましょう もういっちょ!
This dreamy day, let's take care of each other. Come on!
明日っからまた日、月、火 ほら水、木回って金、土、日曜
Tomorrow is Monday again, Tuesday, Wednesday. Look, Thursday, Friday around to Saturday, Sunday
僕ら日々を 楽しんで生きてこう さぁ行くぞ!
Let's enjoy our daily life together. Come on!
月曜始まった いつもの日々 思い焦がれた週末遠い
Monday begins, it's an ordinary day. The weekend seems far away
火曜水曜なれてきたご様子 作った笑顔 引きつったかも!?
Tuesday and Wednesday, I'm getting used to it. I'm putting on a fake smile, my face is stiff, isn't it?
気が付きゃ木曜 相当重要 明日の夜からの予定は未定だから
Suddenly it's Thursday, it's quite important. Because the plans for tomorrow night are yet to be determined
金曜一日考えよう 自由で壁をぶち壊し行こう
Friday, I'll think about it for a day. Let's break down the walls with freedom
日々生き抜いて 心は曇り 僕たちは過ぎ去っていく
Every day we survive, our hearts are cloudy. We let ourselves pass by
歩む心を諦めたら そこで負けだ お気楽に行こう
If we give up on a walking heart, it's over. Let's go with ease
明日っからまた日、月、火 ほら水、木回って金、土、日曜
Tomorrow is Monday again, Tuesday, Wednesday. Look, Thursday, Friday around to Saturday, Sunday
夢の日々を 大事にいきましょう もういっちょ!
This dreamy day, let's take care of each other. Come on!
明日っからまた日、月、火 ほら水、木回って金、土、日曜
Tomorrow is Monday again, Tuesday, Wednesday. Look, Thursday, Friday around to Saturday, Sunday
僕ら日々を 楽しんで生きてこう さぁ行くぞ!
Let's enjoy our daily life together. Come on!
もうどうしようもない模様 やる事いっぱいで気持ちは完敗
There's nothing else I can do. I'm exhausted from all the things to do
一日4時間睡眠で 日々この体力を注ぎこんで
I sleep four hours a day, and I pour my energy into this body every day
大人になるってどういう事? 外面良くして35歳を過ぎた頃
What does it mean to be an adult? When you look good and are over 35
What kind of face will we have then?
Will we become handsome adults?
日々生き抜いて 心は曇り 僕たちは過ぎ去っていく
Every day we survive, our hearts are cloudy. We let ourselves pass by
ゆっくりでいい 辞めないで いつか水滴 必ず石を穿つ!!!
Take your time, don't give up. Someday, water droplets will surely pierce through the stone!!!
明日っからまた日、月、火 ほら水、木回って金、土、日曜
Tomorrow is Monday again, Tuesday, Wednesday. Look, Thursday, Friday around to Saturday, Sunday
夢の日々を 大事にいきましょう もういっちょ!
This dreamy day, let's take care of each other. Come on!
明日っからまた日、月、火 ほら水、木回って金、土、日曜
Tomorrow is Monday again, Tuesday, Wednesday. Look, Thursday, Friday around to Saturday, Sunday
僕ら日々を 楽しんで生きてこう さぁ行くぞ!
Let's enjoy our daily life together. Come on!
繰り返しの毎日で 行き場のない この気持ち
In this repetitive everyday life, there's no place for this feeling
めぐりめぐる めまぐるしく回る 毎日を泳ぐんだ
Over and over, every day spins around. Let's swim through it
めげずにLaugh Laugh(^◇^)もういっちょ!
Don't give up, laugh, laugh(^◇^) Come on!
明日っからまた日、月、火 ほら水、木回って金、土、日曜
Tomorrow is Monday again, Tuesday, Wednesday. Look, Thursday, Friday around to Saturday, Sunday
夢の日々を 大事にいきましょう もういっちょ!
This dreamy day, let's take care of each other. Come on!
明日っからまた日、月、火 ほら水、木回って金、土、日曜
Tomorrow is Monday again, Tuesday, Wednesday. Look, Thursday, Friday around to Saturday, Sunday
僕ら日々を 楽しんで生きてこう もういっちょ!
Let's enjoy our daily life together. Come on!
明日っからまた日、月、火 ほら水、木回って金、土、日曜
Tomorrow is Monday again, Tuesday, Wednesday. Look, Thursday, Friday around to Saturday, Sunday
夢の日々を 大事にいきましょう もういっちょ!
This dreamy day, let's take care of each other. Come on!
明日っからまた日、月、火 ほら水、木回って金、土、日曜
Tomorrow is Monday again, Tuesday, Wednesday. Look, Thursday, Friday around to Saturday, Sunday
僕ら日々を 楽しんで生きてこう!
Let's enjoy our daily life together! Come on!

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