クリフエッジ - 僕はアクセル 君はハンドル - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction クリフエッジ - 僕はアクセル 君はハンドル

僕はアクセル 君はハンドル
I Am Accelerator You Are Handle
Dearest love, every three months, a separation crisis comes.
来るなんて そんな噂聞くよ
And we both lost each other, I've been told
恋から愛に変わる その時は
When love turns into deep affection,
I wonder what we're gonna lose?
I'll give you all of my devotion,
それ以外 君に預けよう
I'll leave the rest to you in trust
Our mutual love and feelings,
I wish we could live each day like this
僕はアクセル 君はハンドル
Baby, I am the gas pedal, you are the steering wheel
二人で一つ 走り抜けよう
Let's drive together as one!
I believe we can support each other
And be a couple like that forever
得意なものも 苦手なものも
My strengths, my weaknesses,
違うからこそ 溢れ出る"ありがとう"
It's because we're different that we make each other whole"thank you"
Let's go on a journey together
家に帰れば 小さなことでも
Even when we come home, we quarrel
ぶつかってばかり つまらない Everyday
About little things, every day,
帰りたくない 衝動のサイレン
I don't want to go home, my heart says
I don't want to feel like this anymore
Your heart is feminine and desires words,
I know that in my own way
でも寝る前 「必ず」って...
But every night, you say "always"...
愛の言葉が Be a Duty
Your expressions of love are obligatory
一人の時間 大切にしたい
I cherish my alone time,
隣に居ない 君を想いたい
I want to think of you when you're not beside me
二人の時間を 愛せる俺でいたい
I want to be able to cherish my time with you
苦手な所 責めるより
Rather than blaming your weaker points,
得意なもの 不得意なもの
Your strengths and weaknesses,
If we put them together, we'll be an unbeatable pair
Love you...
I love you...
側にいるけど 邪魔はしないよ
I'll never get in your way, but I'll always be there for you
側に来てほしい 近くに来ないで
I want you to come to me, but not too close
I believe we can understand each other
And be a couple like that forever
休みの日には 何処か出かけよう
On our days off, let's go out somewhere,
君の大好きな街へ出かけよう Driving
Let's go to your favorite city. Driving
Let's go find happiness
理想の二人 胸張って
And proclaim ourselves an ideal couple
言えるように これからも
I will continue to
S字カーブ 鋭角なヘアピン
Trace the curves and hairpin bends
That only we two can draw.
We'll cultivate our own rules and techniques,
思いやり 忘れずに
Without forgetting compassion.
Simply by believing in each other,
We can overcome anything.
僕はアクセル 君はハンドル
Baby, I am the gas pedal, you are the steering wheel
二人で一つ 走り抜けよう
Let's drive together as one!
I believe we can support each other
And be a couple like that forever
得意なものも 苦手なものも
My strengths, my weaknesses,
違うからこそ 溢れ出る"ありがとう"
It's because we're different that we make each other whole"thank you"
Let's go on a journey together
僕はアクセル キミはハンドル
Baby, I am the gas pedal, you are the steering wheel
二人で一つ 走り抜けよう
Let's drive together as one!
I believe we can understand each other
And be a couple like that forever
休みの日には 何処か出かけよう
On our days off, let's go out somewhere,
君の大好きな街へ出かけよう Driving
Let's go to your favorite city. Driving
Let's go find happiness

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