ケツメイシ - 何故歌う - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais ケツメイシ - 何故歌う

Why Sing
感じた事柄 愛したものから
From what I feel, love from
Words that come from the heart
それは 俺らが歌う力となる
Is what gives us the power to sing
純白の紙は イメージに染まる
Pure white paper is painted with images
言い切れない事 聞き切れない物
Things we can't say, things we can't hear
上べ面で比べ 見切れない事が
Things we can't see on the surface
あるから俺ら 歌い続ける
That's why we continue to sing
怒り喜び そこにぶつける
Anger and joy, we put them out there
伝えたい事が あるから歌う
We sing because we have something to say
あなたに届けと マイクをつかむ
I grab the microphone and reach out to you
時に自ら問い 人の道を説き
Sometimes we question ourselves, talk about the human way
そして何か 感じて欲しい
And then we want you to feel something
小さな勇気 支えになれば
If it gives you a little bit of courage, that's enough
明日も 優しい笑顔であれば
If tomorrow you have a gentle smile
また誰よりも オレらしく歌う
I'll sing again, more than anyone else
愛ある言葉で 心を繋ぐ
Connect our hearts with loving words
俺ら何故歌う? 感じたまま
Why do we sing? We feel it
言い足りない事 ばっかりだから
Because there are so many things we can't say
俺ら何故歌う? 感じたまま
Why do we sing? We feel it
聞き足りない物 ばっかりだから
Because there are so many things we can't hear
描いては消える デカい願いと夢
We draw and erase big wishes and dreams
もがいて 続ける 毎日がコレ
We struggle and continue, every day
歌う事 伝える言葉の力信じ続け 今日まで
We have always believed in the power of singing and words
マイクを通し 愛を歌い 続ける事で 罪を償い
We sing love through the microphone and pay for our sins
この広い世界が 少しでも変わり始めるなら 平和の為に
If this big world can start to change a little
何故なら今日も 君が笑う為だけに 何故か俺ら歌うたう
For the sake of peace, why do we sing? Just to make you smile
選ばれし物ならば 喜んで マイクに込める 情熱を
If we are chosen, we gladly put our passion into the microphone
真で捉えてくれる君らに 向ける
We face those who truly understand
堪えて 耐えて行く事も義務
It is my duty to endure and persevere
君が 俺ら求め続けるなら
If you ask me, I will continue to sing
ずっと 俺ら歌い続ける
I will always sing
俺ら何故歌う? 感じたまま
Why do we sing? We feel it
言い足りない事 ばっかりだから
Because there are so many things we can't say
俺ら何故歌う? 感じたまま
Why do we sing? We feel it
聞き足りない物 ばっかりだから
Because there are so many things we can't hear
悪口 悪ぶり曲 気分害す
Insulting and vulgar songs offend you
うんざり やめてくんない? 自分らしく
Disgusted, stop it, be yourself
歌いたいもっと 意味のあることを
I want to sing more, something meaningful
つかみたいそこに 意志のあるものを
I want to grasp something with a will
例えば 『世のおかしい』 に対し 指をさす
For example, pointing out 'what's wrong with the world'
マイク持ち 言わないなら それ罪となる
If you don't say it with a microphone, it's a sin
奪えない気持ち 伝えたい人に
I can't take away the feelings I want to convey
届け 轟け 君の耳元へ
Deliver them, let them roar into your ear
またペン握り 言葉探してる
I'm holding a pen again, searching for words
今日も長い夜 明かしてく
I'm spending another long night
そして音にのせる 魂込める
And then I put it to music, with my soul
その心 幾重にも染める
That heart is dyed over and over again
たとえその歌が 響かなくても
Even if the song doesn't reach you
今のあなたには 意味が無くても
Even if it doesn't mean anything to you right now
いつか 光る言葉であれ
May it someday be a shining word
乾いた心 満たす言葉となれ
May it become words that fill your dry heart
俺ら何故歌う? 感じたまま
Why do we sing? We feel it
言い足りない事 ばっかりだから
Because there are so many things we can't say
俺ら何故歌う? 感じたまま
Why do we sing? We feel it
聞き足りない物 ばっかりだから
Because there are so many things we can't hear
Why do we sing...

Writer(s): 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮, 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮

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