ケツメイシ - 太陽 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais ケツメイシ - 太陽

The sun will forever shine on us Oh
君が辛いときずっと 空の上で
When you're having a hard time, always in the sky above
The sun will forever shine even brighter on us Oh
Even on the occasional rainy day, to clear the skies
Let's be children of the sun
太陽は今日も昇る青い空へ 白い雲は流れ時に降る恵みの雨
The sun rises every day into the blue sky, white clouds float by, and sometimes a welcome rain falls
晴れては曇る 曇り空に雨降る 常にこれを繰り返す 今までも
It's always been like this, sunny then cloudy, cloudy then rainy, repeating over and over
真上を飛ぶ鳥のように 逃げてなりたいな自由に
Like a bird flying high above, I want to escape and be free
でも負けじと耐えて辛さ乗り越えた時 見た空 いつもよりも青かった
But I endure and overcome the pain, and when I look up at the sky, it's always bluer than before
太陽に照らされて月は輝く その光る月を見て何思う
The moon shines in the sunlight, what do you think when you see its glow?
人は陽のあたる所ばかり選び歩くと いつかはその影が見えなくなる
People walk, choosing only the sunny paths, and eventually they lose sight of the shadows
辛い暗い長い夜が続くが 今にすぐにこの夜は明ける
The long, dark nights of pain continue, but soon this night will break
今日は暗く落ち込む日でも 明日は東の空へまた陽が昇る
Today may be dark and gloomy, but tomorrow the sun will rise again in the eastern sky
The sun will forever shine on us Oh
When you're having a hard time, always in the sky above
The sun will forever shine even brighter on us Oh
Even on the occasional rainy day, to clear the skies
Let's be children of the sun
太陽の真下から走り出した 何で俺は此処に やってしまったことに
I started running from right under the sun, why am I here? What have I done?
悩んでいる時 見上げればそこに 変わらず俺を 照らしてくれる
When I'm troubled, I look up, and it's always there, shining down on me
太陽は今日も回る そして俺らに物語る
The sun continues to revolve, and it tells me a story
ただ背中を優しく押し出すように 俺の進むべき道の方に
Just gently pushing me forward, towards the path I should take
晴れのない 来ない日はないというが
They say there are no days without sunshine
But those who live without worry are quite graceful
なんでそんなに 俺のことを見ている?
Why are you watching me so intently?
何でこんなにも 俺のことを知ってる?
Why do you know so much about me?
高らかな気持ち 気負いなく進む 新たなる道は
With a noble spirit, I march forward without hesitation, the new path
どこまでも続く しかしながら なだらかと思わせるだろう
Continues forever, yet seems gentle and easy
そんなひかり 太陽を 俺は浴びてたいの この先も共にまいろう
Such light, such sun, I want to bask in it forever, let's journey together
The sun will forever shine on us Oh
When you're having a hard time, always in the sky above
The sun will forever shine even brighter on us Oh
Even on the occasional rainy day, to clear the skies
Let's be children of the sun
太陽が暮れても 太陽の子でいよう 太陽の子でいよう
Even when the sun sets, let's be children of the sun, children of the sun
The sun shines gently and unchanged
What do you think as its light pours down?
The sun always waits, warm and welcoming
Take the helm and navigate the future ahead
The sun shines gently and unchanged
What do you think as its light pours down?
The sun always waits, warm and welcoming
Take the helm and navigate the future ahead
今があって 過去があって 君になって
There is now, and there is the past, and you have become
いつしか夢を持って 時がたって イヤになっても
Perhaps you once had a dream, but time passed, and you grew weary
でも笑って行こう 辛くなっても
But let's keep smiling, even when it's hard
成功を見守る太陽を背に 雨降りの日は太陽を胸に
With the sun behind us, watching over our success, and the sun in our hearts on rainy days
結果を恐れず太陽のせいに すればいい 君は太陽の子
Don't fear the outcome, blame it on the sun, you are a child of the sun
曇りの日も 雨の日も 同じ空の下
Cloudy days, rainy days, all under the same sky
いつの日か 今日か明日また晴れる 日を待つ
Someday, today or tomorrow, the sun will shine again, let's wait for that day
曇りの日も 雨の日も あの雲の上
Cloudy days, rainy days, above those clouds
太陽は 見えなくても 僕らを見守る
The sun is there, even if we can't see it, watching over us
The sun will forever shine on us Oh
When you're having a hard time, always in the sky above
The sun will forever shine even brighter on us Oh
Even on the occasional rainy day, to clear the skies
Let's be children of the sun
太陽が暮れても 太陽の子でいよう 太陽の子でいよう
Even when the sun sets, let's be children of the sun, children of the sun

Writer(s): 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮, 大塚 亮二, 田中 亮

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