ケツメイシ - 失恋 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais ケツメイシ - 失恋

Love Lost
※冷めた心 取り戻せるように今なら
※My heart has grown cold, and I can't seem to regain it now
錆びた恋に 終わりを告げる事の意味※
It's time to end our love, which has become rusted
誓い合った将来 相思相愛はもうない 二人 行き来 往来
We promised each other a future, but our love is gone. We're just two people, going back and forth
昔の二人 今は何処に? なぜに二人 こんなことに?
Where are that old couple? Why have we become like this?
あの頃と違う 環境の違いか 週末も会えず やさしくもなれず
Things are different now; maybe it's because our environments have changed. We can't even meet on weekends, and we're no longer kind to each other
すれ違う時間 ズレ出す価値観
Our schedules clash, and our values are no longer aligned.
二人きり食事 会話もろくにせずただ二人 冷めてるとうに
When we eat together, we hardly talk. We just sit there, cold and distant.
どうしようもなくて 戻りようもなくて 身近な所に 理解者求めて
I feel helpless and lost, so I seek solace from someone close to me.
電話もしづらく 二人で居づらく 一通のメールの やりとりを最後に
I find it hard to call you, and we're both uncomfortable being together. Our last communication was just an email exchange
誓い合う 次の恋は失くすまいと 互い二人 思い軽くないぞ
We vow that our next love will be different, that we won't lose each other again. But it's not easy
これだけは言える 二人悪くないと
One thing I can say for sure is that neither of us is to blame.
△別々に歩く君と僕 昔はいつでも手の届く
△We walk separately now, but once upon a time, you were always within reach.
距離にいた二人に訪れた 冷静な別れは色濃く
The distance between us has brought about a sobering end to our relationship.
手遅れになった君と僕 昔はいつでも目の届く
It's too late now, and once upon a time, you were always in my sights.
距離にいた二人に訪れた 冷静な別れは色濃く△
The distance between us has brought about a sobering end to our relationship.△
仕事に対する責任と 君に対しての無責任の境目
The line between my responsibility to my job and my lack of responsibility towards you has become blurred.
長い目で見ると 二人歩き出したのに 変わるもんだね
In the long run, we're both better off walking our separate ways, but how things have changed.
ずれ始める 真面目の俺の 不真面目な時間でずれる価値観
Our values are no longer aligned, as my seriousness clashes with your carefree attitude.
勘違いで生まれるケンカもなく 会っても会話すらもなく
Our misunderstandings have led to endless arguments, and even when we meet, we have nothing to say to each other.
楽な関係になったつもりも 逆に退屈で苦痛な時を
We thought it would be easier to be friends, but it's actually more boring and painful.
過ごすより 二人より 一人の日 増えてったお互いに
We spend more time alone than we do together.
唯一毎日の電話も 祭日のみの冷めた会話に変わり
Our daily phone calls have dwindled to a cold conversation on holidays.
今では二人の冷静な 別れの文字だけが携帯の中で...
Now, all that remains of our relationship is a cold farewell message on my phone...
何時からか 何処からか 誓った愛は冷め 夢のかけら
Somehow, somewhere along the way, our love has grown cold, and our dreams have faded.
永遠に咲くはずの花は 次第に枯れ始め色褪せた
The flower that was supposed to bloom forever has withered and lost its color.
よく待ち合わせたあの場所へ 町行く人に君の影を重ね
I often go to the place where we used to meet, and I search for your shadow among the passersby.
君の笑い声もかき消され 青い空は涙でにじみぼやけ
Your laughter has been replaced by the sound of silence, and the blue sky is blurred by my tears.
うまく笑えなくなったあの頃から 遠くへと逃げ出したここから
I haven't been able to smile properly since that day, and I've been running away ever since.
電話鳴っても 小さな肩抱いていた 手は重く届かない
Even when my phone rings, I can't reach out to you. My arms feel heavy, and my hands can't touch you.
抱き合い笑い合い 君の名を呼ぶ日の続きはない
We'll never again laugh together, embrace each other, or call out each other's names.
ただ さよならの続きだけが 今この腕には残された
All that's left in my arms is the pain of our goodbye.
(※Repeat x2)

Writer(s): 大塚 亮二, 吉田 大蔵, 大塚 亮二, 吉田 大蔵

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