ケツメイシ - 家に帰ろう - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais ケツメイシ - 家に帰ろう

Let's Go Home
久しぶりに見る ドアのカギ穴 擦れた跡が増えていったほどの
The keyhole of the door I see after a long time, worn out as the time passed,
時は流れ 解き放て 過去が詰まってる 親が待ってる
let go of the past that's locked inside, my parents are waiting,
俺が育ったルーツのかけら 拾い集めるほどの宝
the piece of my roots where I grew up, enough to gather as a treasure.
久しぶりに眺めに来た 俺はここで育ってきた
I came to see it after a long time, I grew up here.
色あせたソファーのとなりは 立てかけたギターがそのまま
The guitar I left beside the faded sofa is still there
変わらずに 相変わらずに ホコリをかぶったままの姿
covered in dust, the same as before, unchanged.
捨てたはずの あのポスターの 俺の部屋のカベに残した跡
The stain left on the wall of my room, the poster I threw away is still there.
指でなぞり 指折り数えてた 一人暮らし憧れた部屋
I traced it with my finger, counting the days, the room where I yearned for living alone.
今では母の手も加わり 見慣れないカーテンを開き
Now my mother's intervention has added unfamiliar curtains.
懐かしい香り 懐かしい景色 窓の外 空見上げたびたび
Nostalgic smell, nostalgic scenery, I look up at the sky outside the window.
吸ったタバコ 親にナイショで 隠したアルミ製の灰皿も
The cigarette I smoked secretly from my parents, the aluminum ashtray I hid is also
隠した場所にそのまま 俺の帰りを待つよう 置いたままに
in the same place where I hid it, as if it was placed there to await my return.
家に帰ろう 俺のルーツ残した部屋に
Let's go home, to the room where my roots are,
会いに行こう 俺を育て守った家に
Let's go see the home that has raised and protected me.
行ったり来たりの実家はいつか いつでもいけるさと足が遠のいた
My parents' home, where I visited from time to time, became a place I could go anytime, and I drifted away,
のんびり暮らす なんて隠居暮らし始めて
started living leisurely, as if I had started a retired life.
俺は俺でこっち毎夜 仕事まみれで
I was busy with work every night, and
ますます会う機会すらもなく だが心配はいらね 俺自身磨きツヤをだす
I had less and less chance to meet them, but I don't need to worry, I'm polishing myself.
いつしか俺も酒を飲める年になって 久しぶりに会って 語ったり わかりあってたっけ?
I became old enough to drink alcohol, and when we met after a long time, we talked and understood each other, didn't we?
やっぱ俺の 戻るところは ここなんだろう ベランダの花々はいまだ変わらないが
After all, this is where I belong, the flowers on the veranda are still the same,
俺のベッド 机は今はどこかへ じゅうたんのへこみだけが それ覚えてる
my bed and desk are gone, the dent in the carpet is the only thing that remembers it.
鳥のいない 鳥かごは 部屋のスミに置かれ
The birdcage without a bird is placed in the corner of the room,
窓の外の景色 建ち並ぶビルに 呑まれ
the scenery outside the window and the buildings are being swallowed up,
変わってゆく 少しずつ それは俺わかっているが
changing little by little, I know that, but
空気 匂い 気持ちは 何も変わらない
the air, the smell, the feeling, nothing has changed.
遠い空の下 吹く風が優しくて
Far away under the sky, the wind is gentle, and now,
思い出の日々や 懐かしい声がこだまする
the memories of those days and the懐かしい voices that echo.
何も変わらない生活は幸せか? 答えが出ないまま時流れた
Is an unchanging life happiness? The time passed without an answer.
勢いか憧れか 少し大人びた俺 家を出た
Whether it was momentum or aspiration, I left home as a slightly more mature adult.
何もわからずただ進む そんな日々がこの町を包む
Moving forward without knowing anything, such days envelop this town.
新しい家具に囲まれ 疲れた顔写す 窓の外 夢続く
Surrounded by new furniture, a tired face is reflected in the window outside, and dreams continue.
「ただいま」久しぶりに響いた 廊下の床 変わらずきしんだ
The creaking floor of the hallway still creaks as I say "I'm home" after a long time.
「おかえり」と父と母 また太った犬の「ハナ」
My father and mother say "Welcome home," and the dog "Hana" has gotten fatter.
今では 気兼ねなく 話せる親からも逃げてた
Now I can talk to my parents without hesitation, but I used to run away from them.
少し片付けられた部屋では くすんだ白い天井見上げた
In the room that has been cleaned up a little, I looked up at the faded white ceiling.
寝ころんだベッドの下 埃かぶったアルバムが出てきた
Under the bed I was lying on, a dusty album came out.
そして秘密の宝箱 今じゃガラクタもあの頃の夢のあと
And a secret treasure box, now a box of junk, the remnants of my dreams from back then.
きれいな貝殻 ラムネの玉 ギザ十に鳴らないオルゴール
Beautiful seashells, marbles, a music box that doesn't play anymore.
遠くになる音色 運ぶただの木の箱も 懐かしい風を呼ぶ
The sound that grows distant, the wooden box that carries it also brings back nostalgic memories.

Writer(s): 大塚 亮二, 吉田 大蔵, 大塚 亮二, 吉田 大蔵

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