You said goodbye, but still my cheeks are wet with tears
そうやって昨日の事も 消してしまうならもういいよ 笑って
You want to erase yesterday too? Then it's okay. Laugh.
何度目?って程ついた溜息 出逢い君知ったあの日ブレーキ
How many times have I sighed on the day I met you?
会ってドキドキ胸踊る 別れの言葉が時を止めるキー
My heart raced with excitement when we met, but the word "goodbye" stops time.
たくさんの涙を流した 何日も枕を濡らした
I cried many tears and soaked my pillow for many nights.
訳分からなくなるくらい 屑な君の事好きだったみたい
I loved you as trash that made me feel like I didn't know what to do.
花束を抱えて歩いた 意味も意味もなく ただ街を見下ろした
I walked around with a bouquet without any meaning and just looked down at the city.
こうやって理想の縁に 心を起き去っていく もういいか
This is how I am leaving my heart behind on the path of my dreams. Is that okay?
空っぽでいようそしたらいつも 夢ん中飛び込み逃避が可能
When I tried to be empty and run away into my dreams, it was always possible.
I erased all the remaining history and memories and pretended it never happened.
もうそれで はい解決... できたらいいのになぁ
That solves it... If only it were that easy.
愛を謳って謳って雲の上 濁りきっては見えないや 嫌 嫌
Singing about love, on and on, high above the clouds.Too clouded to see, no, no.
遠く描いていた日々を 語って語って夜の群れ
Talking about the days we envisioned, on and on, in the darkness of the night.
いがみ合ってきりがないな 否 否 笑いあってさよなら
There's no point in fighting, no, no.Let's laugh and say goodbye.
君だけを見てるよ for you for you 震える声は聴かないふり?
I'm looking only at you. For you, for you. Will you pretend not to hear my trembling voice?
君に手伸ばす程 遠く遠く別れ惜しむ事もできないの?
I'm holding out my hand to you. Is it too far, too far to say goodbye?
朝焼けとあなたの溜息 この街は僕らの夢を見てる
The morning sky and your sigh. This city is watching our dream.
今日だって互いの事を 忘れていくんだね ねぇ そうでしょ
Today, as well, we have forgotten about each other, right? Yes, right?
黙っていよう それでいつか苛まれたとしても
Let's stay silent. Even if it torments me someday.
君が私にくれた愛情は ずっと変わる事がないの
The love you gave me will never change.
どんな風に こんな風にも 悩んでんな
How come, how come I'm so worried in this way.
恋と飾って飾って静かな方へ 汚れきった言葉を 今 今 今
Let's decorate with love, on and on, on the quieter side.Let's use foul language, now, now, now.
''There's no one here.'' ''Yes, that's right.''
混ざって混ざって二人の果て 譲り合って何もないな
We're mixed up, mixed up. There's nothing left, is there?
否 否 痛みだって教えて
No, no. Even teach me about the pain.
痛い 痛い もう見たくない この世界は 汚い
Painful, painful. I don't want to see it anymore. This world is dirty.
君は何を見せようとしてるの? 僕はもう目を開けない
What are you trying to show me? I won't open my eyes anymore.
きっときっとわかっていた 騙し合うなんて馬鹿らしいよな
Surely, surely I knew. It's ridiculous to deceive each other, right?
ずっとずっと迷っていた ほらね僕らは変われない
I've been lost for a long, long time. You see, we can't change.
そうだろう互いのせいで 今があるのに
That's it. This is because of each other.
愛を謳って謳って雲の上 濁りきっては見えないや嫌 嫌
Singing about love, on and on, high above the clouds.Too clouded to see, no, no.
Talking about the regrets that have been growing day by day, on and on, in the darkness of the night.
許しあって意味もないな 否 否
There's no point in forgiving each other, no, no.
愛を謳って謳って雲の上 語って語って夜の群れ
Singing about love, on and on, high above the clouds.Talking about the regrets that have been growing day by day, on and on, in the darkness of the night.
Let's expose ourselves and say goodbye.
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