スターライト・オーケストラ - 愛のセレナーデ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Serenade of Love
大好きな君のトコへ Oh. 届け愛のセレナーデ Oh.
To you, my love, Oh. I'll deliver a serenade of love, Oh.
(素敵な笑顔で笑う君がいてそれだけで...) Yeah Yeah Yeah
(You are there with your beautiful smile... Yeah Yeah Yeah)
まだ互いの事など知らないまま 君の笑顔にすぐに見とれてたから
We didn't know much about each other, but I was immediately captivated by your smile.
運命の人と巡り会えたよと 嘘みたいだけどそう思ったんだよ
It feels like a lie, but I thought I had met the one.
素っ気ない態度で言葉返す君 溢れてくる想いを止められない僕
You answer with a nonchalant attitude, I can't stop the overflowing feelings.
全て言葉にできず 伝えられず 五旋譜に並べ続けたこの愛
I can't put it all into words, I can't tell you, this love that I've been arranging on the musical staff.
これまで 君にいくつ愛をうたで届けただろう
How many songs of love have I delivered to you so far?
君が喜んでくれるなら いつまででも愛を贈るよ
If it makes you happy, I'll keep sending you love forever.
大好きな君のトコへ Oh. 届け愛のセレナーデ
To you, my love, Oh. I'll deliver a serenade of love.
ほらこんなふうにまだ 歌えるから 聞いてくれる? この愛
Look, I can still sing like this, do you want to listen? This love.
あの日君に巡り逢い Oh. 夢を一緒に誓い合い
I met you that day, Oh. We made a promise to dream together.
いつも笑い合いたい 一緒に見てみたい 終わらない愛
I want to laugh together always, I want to see it with you, an endless love.
Lalala... Lalala... Lalala... Lalala...
Lalala... Lalala... Lalala... Lalala...
君は日々を重ねる度 綺麗になって 外では強くカッコいい女性になって
You become more beautiful with each passing day, you become a strong and cool woman outside.
そんな姿がなんか誇らしくて 時に嫉妬したりなんかもして
I'm so proud of that side of you, sometimes I'm even jealous.
When we're alone, you throw away your pride and your makeup.
Will you always be that girl with your beautiful smile?
You can always be sweet with me.
限りあるようで限りない Oh. 永遠に響く愛のうた Ah.
It seems finite, but it's infinite, Oh. The song of love echoes eternally, Ah.
いつまでもずっと残るからさ 照れくさいけど
It will always be there, I'm embarrassed, but.
でも愛の表現をこんな Oh. メッセージやメロディで
But I express my love like this, Oh. Through messages and melodies.
君に伝えてみたり 歌ってみたり それだけで君が笑うなら
I try to tell you, I try to sing to you, if it just makes you laugh.
もうしばらくは愛の表現 うたにしないよ
I won't express my love in songs for a while.
とっておきは とっておきに とっておこう その時はまた.
I'll save the best for last, I'll save the best for last, I'll save the best for last, until that time comes.
大切な君のトコへ Oh. 響け愛のセレナーデ
To you, my love, Oh. Let the serenade of love resonate.
やっぱ本当の愛は うたじゃなく二人きりで.
Really, true love is not in songs, but in being together.
あの日君に巡り逢い Oh 夢を一緒に誓い合い
I met you that day, Oh. We made a promise to dream together.
いつも笑い合いたい 一緒に見てみたい 終わらない愛
I want to laugh together always, I want to see it with you, an endless love.
Just the fact that I love you.
The fact that I met you and I'm alive in this place.
素敵な笑顔で 笑う君がいて それだけで
You're there with your beautiful smile, just that.
Endless love.

Writer(s): Charles Chaplin

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