スフィア - Hello, my love - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction スフィア - Hello, my love

Hello, my love
Hello, my love
Hello, my love
Hello, my love
それは パパとママがくれたような ぬくもり
It's a warmth like that given by my parents
Hello, my love
Hello, my love
ずっと 胸の奥でつながってる 絆みたい
It's like a connection deep within my heart
透明な虹を 心に架けて
I'll build a clear rainbow in my heart
ねえ キミを呼びに行くよ
Hey, I'm going to call out to you
両手いっぱいの Shine 届けたい今
I want to deliver my hands full of shine to you now
Pure sympathy
世界がほどけてく優しさで パレードがはじまるね
In the world unraveled by kindness, the parade begins
広がる未来へと 一緒に行きたいな
Let's go together towards the unfolding future
I'm ringing now, ringing now, sweet bell おいでよ
I'm ringing now, ringing now, sweet bell, come here
Hello, my friend
Hello, my friend
キミは 待ちぼうけの夢にやっと 会えたね
You've finally met the dream you've been waiting for
Good-bye, my friend
Good-bye, my friend
ここで 別れるけど同じ空の下 歩こう
We'll part here, but let's walk under the same sky
たくさんの笑顔 出会っていくの
We'll encounter many smiles
ねえ 今ならばわかるよ
Hey, now I understand
思いあうしあわせ 息をするように
The happiness of loving each other, as naturally as breathing
I knew it
世界はメリーゴーランド 最初から こんなにも眩しくて
The world is a merry-go-round, so dazzling from the start
いつでも心まで 飛んでいけるんだ
I can always fly away with my heart
I'm knocking on, knocking on, your heart ここだよ
I'm knocking on, knocking on, your heart, here I am
木漏れ日に包まれている 居心地のいい真昼へと
To a comfortable noon bathed in sunlight
お喋りはつづいていくの 今日も
Our conversation continues today as well
やわらかな思いやりの中 手を振ってるのは誰だろう?
In the midst of gentle compassion, I wonder who's waving?
Hello, my love
Hello, my love
Someday I will say, with my gratitude...
Someday I will say, with my gratitude...
I'm so glad I met you
世界がほどけてく優しさで ゆっくりと進んでく
In the world unraveled by kindness, we'll progress slowly
広がる未来へと 一緒に行きたいね
Let's go together towards the unfolding future
I'ringing now, ringing now, sweet bell いつでも
I' ringing now, ringing now, sweet bell, anytime

Writer(s): Kodama Saori, Moritani Toshinori

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