トップハムハット狂 feat. 雨天決行, ill.bell (RainyBlueBell - Do it right ) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction トップハムハット狂 feat. 雨天決行, ill.bell (RainyBlueBell - Do it right )

Do it right )
Do it right )
誰彼構わずに巻き込む世界 否が応にも待ち遠しいRhyme
The world involved without asking, Rhyme that makes you look forward to it no matter what
BeatsとRap BとBとMr.Rだ 三人と限界なら水と油
Beats and Rap B and B and Mr. R are three people, together they are like water and oil
密度100%の経験でSTEP UP 身元は別だが今でも一派
STEP UP with 100% density experience, different identities but still a faction
Piece Of Zipangで纏めるZipper 俺もお前も相も変わらず相棒さ
Organize Zippers with Piece Of Zipang, you and I are still partners
語りあったビートの上 そうさ、先に辞めたら見っとも無いもんな
We talked about beats, yes, it's embarrassing to quit first
迷惑かけたと認め 成長と成功の二兎を得る
Admit to inconvenience, gain both growth and success
つまり自分の昨日を抜く未だに 止まらずに進むが気の向くままに
In other words, surpass your yesterday, keep moving forward as you wish
人生が自信過剰 さぁ行こう、最高な今日へ Kick in the door
Life is overconfidence, let's go, to the best today, Kick in the door
右も左もない 自由自在 自分次第さ Music life
No right or left, free and easy, it's up to you, Music life
ビーツが鳴ればひゅるり舞い 充分磨いた Beautiful rhyme
When the beat sounds, dance gracefully, beautifully polished rhyme
仕事でも趣味でも Straight to the heart
Straight to the heart in both work and hobbies
ひたすらぶつけろ My soul たとえスロウでもこれがベスト
Keep hitting My soul, even if it's slow, this is the best
We can do it right
We can do it right
Sprint from the start to the final spurt
Don't wrap it up in wafers, swallow the medicine and struggle
兵たちが夢のアート いつの日にか羨望の的 ハイブランド
Soldiers' dream art, someday the envy of all, high-end brands
I don't want to stretch ten times like that
等身大の100% 勝つまで さあonce again
100% of the same size, win, once again
死が俺達を分かつまで 立ち直れ 歌詞の輪っか繋げ
Until death separates us, cheer up, connect the lyrics
(列車は願っても止まれない) なら「未知恐れる」暇なんてない
(The train won't stop even if you wish for it), so there's no time to "fear the unknown"
(Blue Earth Marine Sky High, the best size)
The difference between good and bad depends on your attitude
Can't be locked up, worldwide scale
越えろ Our story is going on
Surpass, Our story is going on
俺等 生まれた日は違えども 死ぬ時は同日同時刻
We are born on different days, but we die on the same day at the same time
右も左もない 自由自在 自分次第さ Music life
No right or left, free and easy, it's up to you, Music life
ビーツが鳴ればひゅるり舞い 充分磨いた Beautiful rhyme
When the beat sounds, dance gracefully, beautifully polished rhyme
仕事でも趣味でも Straight to the heart
Straight to the heart in both work and hobbies
ひたすらぶつけろ My soul たとえスロウでもこれがベスト
Keep hitting My soul, even if it's slow, this is the best
We can do it right
We can do it right
センセーショナルかつ活性 聖書なるものは無くたって
Sensational and active, even without the Bible
がらくたって言われようがこれが俺の音楽 ネット経由アミーゴ達と踏破
Even if it's called a piece of junk, this is my music, conquering with my friends via the Internet
出で立ちは問わず 装備なら58 だった時代も越えて歌った
Regardless of appearance, equipment is 58, singing beyond the times
期待を込めて たった三十年足らずのシット Rat a tat tat!
With expectations, just thirty years or less of shit, Rat a tat tat!
時計の針にケツ叩かれ動かされるよりも能動的にサーチ 新たなチャンス
Instead of being pushed by the clock, search for new opportunities actively
Re: Start, I remember Underground Theater 存在がオーパーツ
Re: Start, I remember Underground Theater, an artifact
It is true
いつものフロウで別物のドープ 醸し出した教鞭「bellz monologue」
The usual flow, a different dope, the preached "bellz monologue"
誕生自体 到底可能性のなかった かの有名な「栄華之夢」
The birth itself, the famous "Dream of Glory" that was impossible
大変長らくお待たせしました Listen! 100% これが「BLUE NOTE」
I've kept you waiting for a long time, Listen! 100% This is "BLUE NOTE"
右も左もない 自由自在 自分次第さ Music life
No right or left, free and easy, it's up to you, Music life
ビーツが鳴ればひゅるり舞い 充分磨いた Beautiful rhyme
When the beat sounds, dance gracefully, beautifully polished rhyme
仕事でも趣味でも Straight to the heart
Straight to the heart in both work and hobbies
ひたすらぶつけろ My soul たとえスロウでもこれがベスト
Keep hitting My soul, even if it's slow, this is the best
We can do it right
We can do it right
RainyBlueBell なら衝動が中心 濃厚な自由人 Don't stop the music
RainyBlueBell, the impulse is the center, a strong individual, Don't stop the music
If you only look at the result, death is the end, but the best scene will be passed down
この際土俵問わず再登場 至純の舞のよう 大音量 Microphone
Reappearance on any stage, pure dance, Microphone with great volume
彗星のごとく現れて今日も Do it right
Appear like a comet, Do it right today

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