ハジ→ - sumire。 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction ハジ→ - sumire。

My Violet.
梅雨の終わりに君と出会った 俺には君が夏の太陽に思えた
We met at the end of the rainy season. To me, you seemed like the summer sun.
君を知るまでの俺は 世の中なんてくだらないと 毎日を
Before I knew you, I thought the world was worthless. Every day I lived
汚い靴のまま土足で 踏み荒らすように生きてた
Like I was wearing dirty shoes and trampling it underfoot.
そんな中差し込んだ光 眩しくて突っ走るしかなかった
Your light shone into my life. It was dazzling. I couldn’t help but run towards it.
初めてのデートは渋谷 帰り道2人ずぶ濡れになりながら
Our first date was in Shibuya. On the way home, we ended up getting soaked.
満員電車に乗った 急に俺の胸にしがみついた君
We got on a crowded train. Suddenly, you clung to my chest.
そん時何があっても 守りてえって初めて思ったんだ
That was the moment I felt, no matter what happened, I wanted to protect you.
愛の意味なんて知らなかった俺が こんな気持ちになれるなんて
I didn’t know what it meant to be in love. I never thought I could feel this way.
生まれて初めて 自分を人間らしく思えた瞬間でした
For the first time in my life, I felt like a human being.
いつしか不安定な 俺の心の支えになってくれてた
Before I knew it, you had become the pillar of my unstable heart.
覚えてるかな? 君の誕生日に柄にもねえ花束買ってって
Do you remember? The day you were born, I bought a bouquet of flowers.
素直に喜ぶ君の顔見て 照れ隠すので精一杯で
Watching your face light up with joy, all I could do was hide my embarrassment.
少しでも君を知りたくて 少しでも君を支えたくて
I wanted to know you a little bit better. I wanted to support you a little bit better.
I wanted to hear your voice a little bit better.
スミレの花言葉のような 小さな幸せ心に運んでくれる
You brought small joys to my heart, much like the meaning of violets.
君は一輪の愛さ 俺には君しかいないんだ
You’re the only love I have. My violet.
高嶺の花に恋をした俺は 君を振り向かせたくて がむしゃらだった
I fell in love with the unattainable flower. I was desperate to win your heart.
他には何もいらなかった 君を思えばなんだって出来た
I didn’t need anything else. I could accomplish anything if I was thinking of you.
その先に君が待っててくれるって そう信じるだけで
With the belief that you were waiting ahead of me
つまらなかった日々が 嘘みたいに幸せに満ちていった
My dull days overflowed with happiness, as if they were a lie.
傷つけたこともあった 今思えば子供だった
There were times when I hurt you. I can see now that I was just a child.
すぎた過去は取り戻せないけど 心からあの時は本当にごめんよ
It’s impossible to undo the past. But I am truly sorry for the past.
君が離れてくのがわかって 諦めようともした
I knew you were slipping away. I tried to give up.
他に幸せ探そうともしたけど 自分の気持ちには嘘つけなかった
I tried to find happiness with someone else. But I couldn’t lie to myself.
君への想い溢れすぎて 前すら見えなくなってた
I was drowning in thoughts of you.
君が薄れてくのがイヤで 君を忘れるのが怖くて
I was terrified of losing you and forgetting you.
Every day, I wrote letters that you would never receive.
久々に聞いた君の声 受話器の向こう嬉しくて何も言えなかったよ
When I finally heard your voice again, I couldn’t speak into the receiver.
少しでも君を知りたくて 少しでも君を支えたくて
I wanted to know you a little bit better. I wanted to support you a little bit better.
I wanted to hear your voice a little bit better.
スミレの花言葉のような 小さな幸せ心に運んでくれる
You brought small joys to my heart, much like the meaning of violets.
君は一輪の愛さ 俺には君しかいないんだ
You’re the only love I have. My violet.
溢れるほどのこの思いが 君の元へ届くように
May these feelings reach your heart in overflowing amounts.
精一杯の気持ちを込めて この歌で奏でる音色
I’ll pour my whole heart and soul into this song.
君に逢いたくて 少しでも愛されたくて
Just wanting to meet you. Wanting to be loved, even a little.
君は一輪の愛さ いつまでも俺は君を歌うよ
You’re the only love I have. I will sing for you, my violet.

Writer(s): ハジ→, Re:sign, re:sign

ハジ→ - sumire。
date de sortie

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