Ai Higuchi - Yamerunara Ima - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Ai Higuchi - Yamerunara Ima

Yamerunara Ima
Yamerunara Ima
泣きたくなるような 夜は最近ない
There aren't any nights recently that make me feel like crying
やる気もないから なんにも浮かばない
I have no motivation so nothing comes to mind
やめるなら今かな やめるなら今かな
Maybe I should quit now, maybe I should quit now
大体似合ってない 人前はこわいし
It doesn't suit me anyway, I'm scared of people
お金は少しだけ 貯めたりはできない
I only have a little bit of money, I can't save it
やめるなら今かな やめるなら今かな
Maybe I should quit now, maybe I should quit now
終わりのきっかけに 大したドラマはない
There's no great drama as a trigger for the end
いつも心の中に もう一人の自分がいるんだ
There's always another me in my mind
I came this far somehow, soothing myself
She's always skeptical and suspicious, always cynical
But I've always admired you
やりたい理由も 始めた理由も
The reason I wanted to do it, the reason I started
そんなの意味はない 今残るのは
Such things don't matter, all that's left is
ただただ勝ちたいだけ 絶対 絶対
I just want to win, absolutely, absolutely
わたしを信じてる おまえを信じてるから
I believe in me, I believe in you
なんでも良い そのままで良いから
It's okay if it's anything, it's okay if it's just the way it is
続けろ 続けろ やめんなよ 続けようよ
Keep going, keep going, don't quit, let's keep going
孤独になるのは なにかがあるから
I'm lonely because I have something
淋しくなるのは なんにもないから
I'm lonely because I have nothing
やめるなら今かな やめるなら今かな
Maybe I should quit now, maybe I should quit now
1人に愛されて 満足できたなら
If I was loved by one person, maybe I'd be satisfied
なんのためにここまで なにがしたくてここまで
Why did I come this far, what did I want to do to come this far
そんなの上京 3年目で消えたんだ
Such things disappeared in my third year in Tokyo
I don't want to live such a life, just to be kind and loved
That's not what I dreamed of
見えない未来を 言い訳にすんなよ
Don't use the invisible future as an excuse
On the day I started on a journey with no destination
I decided to go to a place where no one had ever set foot
恐れていいんだよ 怖がっていいよ
It's okay to be scared, it's okay to be afraid
You don't even have to have the courage to jump
That weakness will become a strength someday
おまえを信じてるわたしを 信じてるから
I believe in you, I believe in the me who believes in you
なんでも良い そのままで良いから
It's okay if it's anything, it's okay if it's just the way it is
続けろ 続けろ やめんなよ 続けようよ
Keep going, keep going, don't quit, let's keep going

Writer(s): Higuchi Ai

Ai Higuchi - Yamerunara Ima
Yamerunara Ima
date de sortie

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