中田章 feat. Teiichi Okano & Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra - 童謡エンディングメドレー(早春賦~春が来た) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 中田章 feat. Teiichi Okano & Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra - 童謡エンディングメドレー(早春賦~春が来た)

Children's Song Ending Medley (Early Spring Harmony~Spring Has Come)
前を向いて 夢を抱いて 心決めて 見上げる空
Looking ahead, embracing my dreams, making up my mind, looking up at the sky
未来を超える 私の翼で
My wings will take me beyond the future
あなただけが大本命! 絶対love!宣言した
You're the only one I truly love! I declare my absolute love
キラキラしてた 季節が過ぎてく
The sparkling season passed us by
記念写真の あなたは 変わらない 困り顔
In the class photo, you remain unchanged, a troubled face
優しくって 暖かくて
So kind and warm
Tears well up in my eyes
明日もここで 逢えるみたいに
As if we'll meet here again tomorrow
約束しないで 行こう
Let's not make promises
Let's just be casual as always
With a small smile, I waved
「じゃあ... またね。」
So then...see you later
葵い木々が 触れ合う度 加速してく コイゴコロは
As the green trees touch, my heart speeds up, my feelings grow
Dyed in the purple sunset
広い背中ごしに見てた 守られてたすべての日と
Looking over your broad back, I was protected every day
風の薫りを きっと忘れない
I'll never forget the scent of the wind
DATTE 一緒にいたから 私は強くなれた
BECAUSE we were together, I became stronger
今、新しい 扉開く
Now, a new door opens
The moment has come
いつでもここで 逢えるみたいに
As if we'll meet here again tomorrow
振り向かないまま 行こう
Let's not look back
羽ばたく場所は 違っても
Even if our paths diverge
繋がる おんなじ空の下
We'll still be connected, under the same sky
「じゃあ... またね。」
So then...see you later
共に Over the future
Together, Over the future
絆はずっと One and only
Our bond is forever One and only
Our meeting was Destiny
絶対可憐 Never end
Absolutely lovely, Never end
いつでもここで 逢えるみたいに
As if we'll meet here again tomorrow
振り向かないまま 行こう
Let's not look back
羽ばたく場所は 違っても
Even if our paths diverge
繋がる おんなじ空の下
We'll still be connected, under the same sky
明日もここで 逢えるみたいに
As if we'll meet here again tomorrow
約束しないで 行こう
Let's not make promises
Let's just be casual as always
With a small smile, I waved
「じゃあ... またね。」
So then...see you later

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