五月天 - 三个傻瓜 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 五月天 - 三个傻瓜

Three Fools
小小的個子 看著看著
Tiny figure, watching and watching
看到張開嘴 那是第一個傻瓜
Seeing a mouth open, that is the first fool
小小的心願 想著想著
Tiny wish, thinking and thinking
想要快上學 可不可以啊媽媽
Wanting to go to school quickly, can I, Mother?
一定有很多 老師同學
There must be many teachers, classmates
新書包書本 還有第一條手帕
A new school bag, books, and a first handkerchief
沒想到將會 用盡所有 精華的年華
Never thought it would take all the essence of my youth
But who can drop out?
長大不是玩耍 不是畫畫 不能夠玩沙
Growing up is not playing, not drawing, not playing in the sand
長大是學文法 是學書法 加法和減法
Growing up is learning grammar, calligraphy, addition, and subtraction
分不清 他傻瓜 你傻瓜 我傻瓜
Can't tell, he's a fool, you're a fool, I'm a fool
誰傻瓜?傻不傻瓜 時間 一樣追殺
Who's a fool? Are you a fool? Time chases us all the same
傻瓜啊 一轉眼 就老花 一轉眼 就白髮
Fools, in the blink of an eye, become long-sighted, in the blink of an eye, get gray hair
一轉歲月 場景 也都變化
In the blink of an eye, the years pass, and the scenery changes
傻瓜 只能 向前 走啊
Fools can only keep moving forward
不能談戀愛 這麼這麼 認真就是他
Can't fall in love, so serious, that's him
Here comes the second fool
大人告訴他 別怕別怕
Adults tell him not to be afraid
愛情和青春 會在未來等著他
Love and youth will be waiting for him in the future
所以他丟了 詩和天真
So he threw away poetry and innocence
寒假和暑假 籃球漫畫和吉他
Winter and summer holidays, basketball, comics, and guitar
他終於哭了 就在那天 回憶缺席了
He finally cried, that day, memories were absent
The last flame tree blossom
世界如果平的 為何人們 都要往上爬
If the world is flat, why do people climb up?
活著不是贏家 就是輸家 你敢輸掉嗎?
To live is to be either a winner or a loser, dare you lose?
分不清 他傻瓜 你傻瓜 我傻瓜
Can't tell, he's a fool, you're a fool, I'm a fool
誰傻瓜?傻不傻瓜 時間 一樣追殺
Who's a fool? Are you a fool? Time chases us all the same
傻瓜啊 一轉眼 就老花 一轉眼 就白髮
Fools, in the blink of an eye, become long-sighted, in the blink of an eye, get gray hair
一轉歲月 場景 也都變化
In the blink of an eye, the years pass, and the scenery changes
傻瓜 還在 繼續 掙扎
Fools are still struggling
什麼公式可以 讓我找到 殘缺的解答
What formula can help me find the missing answer?
什麼句型可以 讓我說出 悲傷的文法
What sentence structure can help me express my sorrow?
十九年後換來 五張證書 和半片天涯
After nineteen years, I got five certificates and half the world
終於發現我是 第一第二 第三個傻瓜
Finally realized, I am the first, second, and third fool
這故事 熟悉嗎?走過嗎?無奈嗎?心痛嗎?
This story, is it familiar? Have you lived it? Is it helpless? Is it heartbreaking?
傻不傻瓜 代價 一樣無價
Whether or not you're a fool, the price is the same
到最後 一轉眼 就老花 一轉眼 就白髮
In the end, in the blink of an eye, we become long-sighted, in the blink of an eye, we get gray hair
一轉歲月 眼淚 也都爆炸
In the blink of an eye, the years pass, and our tears explode
只剩三個 悲傷 傻瓜
Only three sad fools are left
只好 音量 加大
We have no choice but to turn up the volume

Writer(s): A-xin, Guai-shou

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