五月天 - 九號球 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 五月天 - 九號球

Nine Ball
逃走 翻過圍牆 我只能逃走 從教室裡頭
Escape, climbing the wall, I can only escape. From inside the classroom,
奔向自由 熟悉角落 有人在等我 有挑釁的笑容
Running for freedom. A familiar corner, someone's waiting for me. With a provoking smile.
今天誰先開球 讓誰嚐點苦頭
Who's breaking first today? Who's gonna get a taste of bitterness?
綠色地平線上 我撞著 彩色墮落
On the green horizon, I crash, colorful falling down.
也許我這一桿 又沒辦法進球
Maybe this stroke, again, I won't be able to score,
就像我的生活 一直在出差錯
Just like my life, always making mistakes.
也許我這一生 始終在追逐那顆九號球
Maybe my life, always chasing that nine ball,
卻忘了 是誰在愛我
But forgetting who loves me,
卻忘了 是誰在罩著我
But forgetting who's protecting me.
從前 書包很滿 裝不下的夢 就丟了一些
Before, my schoolbag was so full, couldn't fit in my dreams, so I tossed some out.
未來我們 要怎麼活 凝視著白球 暫時我不去想
The future, how should we live? Staring at the white ball, I'm not thinking about that for now.
天空漸漸變紅 影子爬滿球桌
The sky is turning red gradually. Shadows creeping onto the billiard table.
輸贏沒有結果 像人生 難以捉摸
Winning or losing doesn't make a difference. Like life, hard to pin down.
也許我這一桿 又沒辦法進球
Maybe this stroke, again, I won't be able to score,
就像我的生活 一直在出差錯
Just like my life, always making mistakes.
也許我這一生 始終在追逐那顆九號球
Maybe my life, always chasing that nine ball,
卻忘了 是誰在愛我
But forgetting who loves me,
卻忘了 是誰在罩著我
But forgetting who's protecting me.
也許我這一桿 又沒辦法進球
Maybe this stroke, again, I won't be able to score,
就像我的生活 一直在出差錯
Just like my life, always making mistakes.
也許我這一生 始終在追逐那顆九號球
Maybe my life, always chasing that nine ball,
卻忘了 是誰在愛我
But forgetting who loves me.
也許我這一桿 又沒辦法進球
Maybe this stroke, again, I won't be able to score,
就像我的生活 一直在出差錯
Just like my life, always making mistakes.
也許我這一生 始終在追逐那顆九號球
Maybe my life, always chasing that nine ball,
卻忘了 是誰在愛我
But forgetting who loves me,
卻忘了 是誰在罩著我
But forgetting who's protecting me.

Writer(s): 阿 信, Guai Shou, 阿 信

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